Aug 01, 2004 23:53

oh, I had an awesome weekend.

Blas GD: had an awesome weekend
DresdenEve: do tell
Blas GD: Friday: Judas Priest and Slayer
Blas GD: went stoned, Kerry King looks like a wagging tribal tattooed dick when he headbangs
DresdenEve: ahaaa
Blas GD: Priest absolutely killed
DresdenEve: nice....
Blas GD: later on that night: got drunk, pass out on my floor
Blas GD: woke up saturday
DresdenEve: typical
Blas GD: went out, got stoned
Blas GD: left to go to a Casino
Blas GD: got stoned again
Blas GD: gambled, won 100 bucks
Blas GD: blackjack baby
Blas GD: then, saw Joan Rivers
Blas GD: she's actualy pretty funny
DresdenEve: Joan RIvers???
Blas GD: and...my god and yours
Blas GD: Mr. Don Fucking Rickles
Blas GD: yeah, Joan Rivers
Blas GD: Don Rickles killed, killed and killed
DresdenEve: nice at the casion?
Blas GD: yeah
DresdenEve: casion
DresdenEve: argh
Blas GD: haha
Blas GD: Don to a black guy in the audience "Hey, who let you in here? What're you doing? Are you the help? Maybe you didn't know this but you're supposed to come out after the show. No coloreds allowed, anyway. No, no, I'm just kidding. You can stay and watch, feel welcome. You just have to sit in the back."
Blas GD: <33333333
Blas GD: it was great
DresdenEve: that sounds awesome
Blas GD: then I got drunk later that night at my buddy's house
Blas GD: passed out on his floor
Blas GD: woke up, walked home
Blas GD: took a shower
Blas GD: smoked a few cigarettes
Blas GD: and now I'm here
Blas GD: I partied my huge, clogged black heart out this weekend
DresdenEve: you should write a book
Blas GD: a pop up book
DresdenEve: errr that might be sacry
DresdenEve: projecting vomit and nigger intestines
Blas GD: hahaha
Blas GD: + dead animals and cigarettes
Blas GD: man I did puke my brains out last night
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