Nov 22, 2012 23:34
This Thanksgiving is no Bah Humbug. In fact, today is the best day of my life and it is only getting better.
I have new and clean underwear. That's what started this tearfilled thankyouuniverse session.
I am living my dream in Alaska
I am living my chosen reality in Alabama
I have a vibrant, beautiful, quirky and supportive family whom I am convinced are the greatest people this planet has ever known and because of that I never for a second want to be anyone else, not even Harry Potter.
I am able to run, walk, climb,swim, hike, play to my heart's content every day of my life
I have a calling to teach and inspire in the sciences- biology, chemistry, and physical science- to anyone with a desire to learn it. It feels good to finally have drive in one direction.
The best for last. I've had a baby and only find this to be my second childhood. This beastie has not only opened my capacity for joy, but deepened it to the very core of my being. She is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened this past 25 years of my existence and she now has a family who will fight over who gets to cuddle her next.
I've loved, I've lost, and I've been found all over again the past year and regret none of it. This is always only the beginning and I'm perpetually grateful for that.