Blasco habit and Blascoisms.

Dec 23, 2005 11:58

Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5
weird habits of yours" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ
entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly.
In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list
their names.

1. I talk in my sleep LOTS. I don't shutup even when I am sleeping. It may not necessarily relate with anything I am dreaming about. It may not make any sense at all. Sometimes it's just randomness but it can still cause problems. So next time I am sleeping with a girl I'll muzzle myself.

2. I think about bizarre stuff when I am in the shower. Like stuff that NO ONE else would think about. I mean NO ONE.

3. I'll drop something and forget to pick it up. I mean for instance, like a package that I need throw away that is right in my face I'll just forget about it. It's not like my apartment is a mess it just plain stupid. I do this in the fridge too. I mean I'll put something back in the fridge that is empty and then it'll stay there for like days. Just DUMB!

4. "I space out when I am doing important shit. Like shit that requires my absolute attention somehow I space out for a second and then realize "OH SHIT I have to FOCUS." I did this on my trip back to Peoria. It's a seven hour trip. When I got around St. Louis my attention started to fade. And I nearly took the East. St. Louis exit when I realized that would a bad thing. Then I got in the correct lane and took the correct exit. I am honestly surprised it hasn't happened when I am designing a newspaper page yet! Later on that trip when I was on I-55 my attention span wavered because I thought it was a straight shot and then when I got around Springfield I took Business 55 into Springfield because I got to the point when I was just coasting. The fact I hadn't eaten all day may have had something to do with this. Even so just "DUMB!"

5. I laugh uncontrollable and have trouble composing myself in public after I see an absolutle mess or drop something. If I hear some odd ball talking about a bunch of rubbage it just makes me laugh. Then I look at look at the guy and I lose it because he is such a mess. Hahahaah.. Oh hell.

The people I am tagging:

Justin MacIntyre/Mr. Clark WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU ANYWAYS? Come back to earth you weirdo.

Cody Cash or Gehrt whatever.


Nate Hawksworth

Shane Griffin or Griff or whatever else you call yourself these day. Whatever it is I am jealous because you have a job that pays you to play Madden all day. That pisses me off.
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