May the fury of the Irish fuel my hatred

Feb 10, 2006 13:52

"What has made our company so successful for 151 years?" asks Wells Fargo Chairman and CEO Dick Kovacevich. "I believe there are two important reasons. First and foremost, our people. We have the most committed, talented, experienced, innovative and caring people in our industry. The second reason is that for 15 years we've demonstrated that our business model - diversified financial services, not just banking - and earning all our customers' business does work."

This is what the CEO of the Wells Fargo, the organization I bank with, has to say about why their so successful. I, however, strongly disagree. He says that they have innovative and caring people. I know from personal experience that this is not true. When I spoke to these people on the phone I was treated as if I were just cattle, like I were just one more face in the crowd of customers they have. They no more care about individuals people, unless of course these people are ridiculously wealthy, than they do about bums on the street. I felt as though I was speaking to a robot. I heard no emotion in their voices and not even a hint of empathy/compassion/humanity. This means one of two things, that the people that work at Wells Fargo really don’t care and are just generally pathetic excuses for human beings, or (and this is the one that I really suspect is the case) they have been so defeated by the company they work for that they have no will to continue on. The soulless beast that is Wells Fargo Bank has robbed them of who they are.

Dick Kovacerich says that they don’t just bank, that they earn all of their customers business. Well let me be the first to tell you, incase you didn’t already know, that Wells Fargo is a money hungry corporation that doesn’t give a shit whether or not they’re destroying lives. For instance, I am currently over drawn on my account, this isn’t the first time this has happened and more than likely it won’t be the last. But the point is, any time I try to overdraw on my account, Wells Fargo is right there to foot the bill, for a $33 charge because it is overdrawn. Now they’d be happy to foot this bill over and over again. Digging they’re beloved customers deeper and deeper into a hole that they expect you to pay them back for. Guess what Wells Fargo, if I don’t have the money to cover the bill, DON’T FUCKING ACCEPT IT, I’m sick to fucking death how often my bank is the one who’s making me poor. And try to get a little bit of help from them to get out of debt, and they laugh right in your face. The organization of Wells Fargo is nothing more than a machine meant to keep people who are hard up on luck in the same position. Teetering over a precipice of bankruptcy, being held up by a breaking rope, and why you ask is it breaking, because Wells Fargo is there with a pair of $33 dollar scissors slowly cutting the strands. So Mr. Dick, I would like it to be told that you have no right to screw people in the way you do, constantly putting them into situations that just don’t get better. I really hope that those beds full of stolen money are comfortable now because someday it’s going to catch up to you and you’ll taste your own poison.

Rot is hell Wells Fargo

Sorry to let that out, but I am more angry than I have ever been.
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