Apr 10, 2005 23:19
so this is chris' new LJ... i almost forget why i'm getting rid of the old one now... i'm kinda attached to it... but that's ok... i like this one too... and now i can pick which people i want to add and stuff... and that's neat...
i really wish..... i could find the right words..... to throw at the world.....
to throw into my space here...
i think i'm searching for a person who no longer exists... and in the process i'm losing what little piece of a PERSON is still left...
i'm becoming mechanic... so automatically pleasing to those at my side... those holding the score books...
my judges stand at my side and hold up score-cards for my each move, my every word... i think i'm in the lead... i think i'm losing... i think i can't ever tell the difference in the end...
pedistol? so that's what it's like to be up there eh? well, i vote the bottom... and i'm just waiting for it to welcome me back...
i suppose i could simplify this statement... this entry... these feelings and emotions...
in short, FUCK YOU.