
Jan 24, 2015 19:01

My eye has been playing silly-buggers this week. Dry, a little light-sensitive, sometimes itchy. Enough that I can work for maybe an hour before I have to give it a rest. So it's not been super-awesome-productive-time.

Seeing the ophthalmologist on Tuesday. Taking lubricating eye-drops in the meantime.

Had dinner with A. on Thursday night. Fish and chips in a random park somewhere around Ivanhoe[0]. We're not dating. And I don't mean "not-dating". But we get along, we could both use more friends, so that's all good.

Watched "The Mule" this afternoon. First rule of John Noble: don't fuck with John Noble.

For tomorrow I have "The Little Death". It looks pretty entertaining from the trailer. Romantic-comedy but not quite the usual, and it looks to have a decent cross-section of people and relationship types (at least one gay couple, and a deaf guy) though it's about as white as you'd expect an Australian movie that isn't set in the middle of the continent to be.

(Yes, two Australian movies. Call it my nod to Australia Day if you like.)

For those who aren't locals, think "Canada Day but much more obnoxious with a soupçon of racism if you stumble into the wrong part of town".

Seeing Walter again made me want to re-watch Fringe. So I have the box set on order now.

And now I am off to eat bread. With double the usual amount of honey in it, so that should be interesting. Fantastic crust.


[0] I took a photo of a magpie while we were there, so I have GPS co-ordinates if I really wanted to look it up. Selection was however random on a "drive around until we find a park" basis.

The original is over at Dreamwidth, there are
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