Feb 05, 2008 22:05
So, I've had my computer for like a month. As much as I love her (yes, it is a she, like last year's laptop, but I still don't know her name because she is snooty and lazy, and i keep threatening her that she is still on warranty and I have NO QUALMS about calling Dell out here), I have not been that productive on her, other than onemanga.com (Let's say I've finished or caught up with at least 10 different random series), catching up on my Bleach and Avatar, and stalking the Time Warner career site.
Did I mention - They have posted up Cartoon Network jobs for the t3 program! Oh YAY! I'm so excited but so scared. I have to do a project to showcase my abilities, and I'm not sure what to do (okay, I do have some ideas, but I feel like they are too ordinary). How can I show them my true and raw passion to just work there? HOW?!
Fallback - I have an interview on the 22nd in New York with MTV Networks for their summer associates program. Okay, no CN, here I come Nickelodeon. :p
Not to mention I've made some great contacts with some big wigs in media thanks to the NCTA and NAMIC. Let me stop being lazy and send some hello emails to them. :)
Personally (not school or career based)- I am so made that I randomly decided to pick up Claymore and The Gentlemen's Alliance +. Onemanga has me looking at mangas I probably wouldn't have really read in the first place (I've been passing by Gentlemen's Alliance for months thinking it would probably bore me) and I AM HOOKED!! UPDATE PLEASE!!!! I am so emotionally tied up in Gentlemen's Alliance (now GA+) that I can't think straight. Where is Tamanaki? Will she ever find him and run away to live happily ever after? Will her heart wavier and she choose the other? Will she become a yankee again? Will she remain the Platinum? I made myself lonely right before V-day. T_T Truly, I am only a sap and chick when it comes to manga - (although there is some GREAT yaoiness in GA+. Two of the main characters are gay and one pretends to be to keep girls at bay. And of course, they're all rich hotties at an elite school). I will never doubt a story that Shojo Beat has picked up ever again. They are 2 for 2 with me - GA+ and Skip Beat. :)
In the artistic arena - After attending the "My Black is Beautiful" that Alpha Chapter cosponsored with the School of C, I've decided to do a self documentary on my life to figure out why I'm so different. Mostly, seeing those 4 and 5 year old black babies go through the same baby doll color test that 50 years ago was used in the Brown vs. the Board of Education to showcase that young black children were subconciously taught that white was pretty and good while black was bad and ugly have the same results as back then really shook me up. I know that I was never liked that, but then again, I don't typically think about things in the same of my peers. I want to see if it was my upbringing, environment, or if I'm just bent that way. I want me in my natural habitat, spouting off my feelings and ideas, as well as interviews by my friends and family. This will be a massive project, but I want to see what I find.
Back to Naruto. :)