Aug 02, 2015 11:50

I came to the venue at 12, waited till 4 for soundcheck (I got VIP tix for the con). I stood in 2nd row so I had clear viewing. Seungri, Taeyang, and Daesung showed their face but GD was wearing a cap and TOP...I couldn't see his face (he blocked it w/ sunglasses, cap, and mask lol and he's far away where I stood). Anyway, they sang We Like to Party, Bae Bae, and Bang Bang Bang. Then I ran for my life out to queue for the real con. After waiting we got inside at 5.30 (the con suppossed to start at 6.30 but got delayed tiill 7.00).


...though I think I ALMOST DIED SQUEEZED BY CRAZY FANS FROM PINK TIX (The thing is, VIP and pink were standing in same area w/out blockade, VIP just got inside first, but PINK was WAY TOO CRAZY and PUSH US W/OUT LOGIC TILL SO MANY PPL FAINTED, I almost gave up, but luckily Taeyang nagged at them so it's bearable till the end). I'm gonna complain first, I can't find THE GIFT CORNER even though it's written on the web it'll be there and I asked every single staff I passed by and no one knew. Luckily my gift wasn't that expensive but I made it myself for TOP oppa. I'm not oblidged TOP to see/ whatever (fangirl can hope right?), what pissed me off is the lack of info from the staff so I just left it at the hall. Anyway, THE MOST IRRITABLE THING is those STUPID CRAZY PINK TIX FAN, but whatever, everyone got their own karma, So move on to the best part...I'm gonna type randomly whatever comes into my mind now (I try to be in order though my memory is a bit blur because the lack of air...):

Bang Bang Bang started and the crowd began to squeeze...I couldn't really pay attention to the song, just did my best to see TOP and GD (they're my bias) and took some pic and vid.

Greetings...Taeyang said if we (those pink tix) wouldn't stop pushing they wouldn't continue...Well pink tix U can be proud Taeyang talked to you, even though it's so damn embarrassing...

Then I lost words at the ballad songs...Blue XD And Bad Boy XD We sang together w/ them (I did too, though I was almost suffocated). Then If You live...OMG GD's and TOP's voice (well actually all of them were awesome)...Then Lies...

Next solo stage, Seungri's...Daesung's...TOP's (Doom Dada and he's so far away, why wouldn't he come out a bit to the front lol)...Taeyang's (Eyes Nose Lips was STUNNING)...GD's (He performed my fav song of his, Crooked, yeyyy)...There're also collab stage like w/ Seungri, GD and Taeyang...And Good Boy between GD and Taeyang...

Then SOBER ROCKSSSSS, my fav in their MADE Album so far...Then they spoke for a while. Seungri spoke the most in Indonesian language (he said Sop Buntut is the best for hangover LOL), he's so friendly and funny. He danced till GD lost word and laughed. Meanwhile Taeyang and Daesung was busy teasing TOP about his cane, TOP ended up poking Taeyang with it.

Then ending and encore...People was going crazy on encore and jumping around, but I was too exhausted to jump (thx to the squeeze at the beginning, anyway I did my best to see them, my spot was close enough to see their facial expression clearly)...

That's all...Photo and Vid will be put on the next entry XD

-x-fanacc-x-, -x-bigbang-x-, -x-murmurs-x-

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