"life" model

Oct 26, 2006 15:49

Well folks in my art class the "life" model came in today . When I mean "life" model I mean a nude model . Yes that is right , yours truly had the pleasures of seeing plenty of booty today ( lol )
Well the model was Female , I forget ehr name sometin with an L she was really nice and very "poised" when the time came to shed her robe . I thought I was going to b e like extremly freaked out , well I wasn't . At first it was ahrd to concentrate , but I got over it and it just didn't faze me anymore after like 5 minutes . She wasn't fat , she is a marathon and triathathon competator ,so she had muscle tone . The drawings I did truned out really well .
Maybe this whole nude drawing thing isn't so bad ....
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