
Apr 06, 2008 15:14

In positive news, there was epic partyage to be had last night. All my favorite people were there, which was nice. Everything just clicked--it went off flawlessly. ibquincy was a tub of glee the whole time, and everyone was "in the zone" as the saying goes. MARVELOUS.

Doing my thing at the bookstore, touching livejournal for the first time in what seems like ages. I mean, I post a lot of screened entries every two weeks or so, but I haven't posted an open update in a while. Let's see, went to Bowie and then to Owings on friday to Olive Garden (squee!) and then to spend the night at Josh's parents' place. SOOO comfy! His house is luxurious. There were car troubles, because apparently I'm a curse in that department, but all in all an excellent trip! I GOTS ROSEZ! I ♥ flowers.

Alas, I have a sinus infection it seems. I get to go to the Health Center (the bane of my existence *cringe*) for the eighteen hundredth time this year to pick up some amox and try to get rid of this shit. Hacking up a lung is really not attractive or fun. It also sucks trying to sleep at night.

Nashville is coming closer. EEEEEEEE! That is all.

Oh, and I officially am angry at my school for its wrongdoings to the_8th_square. What a scandal they're trying to start :/ I DISAPPROVE!

One last tidbit: The senior project is up and running. I've got the statistical plan laid out, I've got a mentor on board, and I've got resources started. Hot diggity!
Lineup for next semester:
~30 hours at the store
Public Sector Economics
Industrial Organization
International Finance
Chamber Singers
First half of Senior Project

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