These Final Hours

Jul 29, 2009 16:13

I was inspired to make a JLs fice. The song "I can't make you love me" by Bonnie Raitt made me think of them. It's just a drabble blah so there might be some missing words, bad grammar blah lol . but if you end up reading it. please enjoy it. tell me what you think :)

Pairing: James/Joy

“Cause I can’t make you love me, if you don’t.
You can’t make your heart feel something it won’t.
Here in the dark, in these final hours.”

She was busy helping out with her family restaurant and he was out celebrating his birthday. It didn’t make much sense to them when they could’ve been together on this day. There was a possibility that it was purposely planned this way but then he couldn’t think about it in such a negative way.

Joy was setting up a table before anybody entered the restaurant and Michael was in the kitchen setting up something for the customers. All she could think about was James and the fact that it was his birthday. His 24th. He’s getting older and handsomer each year. She didn’t even wake up to tell him Happy Birthday. She knew that he would’ve be too busy with his girlfriend or friends. I guess it works out that way. She didn’t want to disturb him.

“Hey Joy come over here.” Her mother called out and she finished setting the table and sat next to her mother.

James on the other hand was sitting in his apartment in Wilmington waiting for his buddies to come over. And it was hard for him to handle when he really wished Joy was there to celebrate with him. She hadn’t spent much time with him in years. Yeah they do work together and have more scenes with each other than anybody else but that was acting. This was real life. They had a deep connection and it obviously showed through the screen. Nobody really knew about their deep relationship. They don’t really like to talk about each other in interviews. I guess if they do talk about their relationship it would immediately lose its’ spark.

He waited all morning for a call from her but she never called. He was kind of upset, especially since she planned the opening on his Birthday. Maybe she expected him to take a visit in Washington. He would’ve but then that would cause people to talk.

Then the door bell rang. He stood up from his seat and opened the door. First he saw his brother Stuart then behind him was a few of his buddies.

The opening went completely well. Joy was really impressed with the crowd. There so many people in there that it kind of made the building really hot because of all the body heat. She and Amber sang a few songs from their album and a few covers too. Joy was definitely having a good time. She was happy to have built a restaurant for her family. Her new family. She loved Michael but then somehow she still had feelings for James. It was hard for her but she knew that he didn’t love her back as much as she did.

“Thank you everyone for coming to the opening. We appreciate it all so much! Hopefully you all will come back and chow down on our delicious food!” Joy stated before walking away from the mic and hugging and greeting everyone inside.

She barely talked to Michael all day because he was either greeting people, helping out in the kitchen or played a set and vice versa.  Then she stood outside and signed autographs. She saw that someone had a picture of her and James from teen prom and she smiled. She noticed how airbrushed he looked because he did look really airbrushed. Then she commented on how he really has nice skin. She knew because she couldn’t stop touching it before. Another fan asked her about James and if he was a good kisser.

Joy couldn’t help but giggle a little bit but then she realized that she was at her restaurant where most of her husband’s family was so she had to give a good comment. She said that none of it is really real and that they should just ask his girlfriend. It kind of broke her heart talking about how he was taken already. I guess it works out that way. She was married.

James and his friends decided to go out at the bar and enjoy a few drinks. He was sitting next to his girlfriend by the bar and he’d usually have his arm around her but he didn’t. He looked a little dazed and distant.

“Hey, James, what’s going on? You look a little down.” She asked holding his wrist for comfort.

He looked to the side for a second then returned to his half empty glass.  “Nothing. I’m just thinking about stuff.”

“Well it’s your birthday you need to enjoy yourself. Stop being such a downer.” She laughed.

He gave her a small smile. “I apologize if I am. Go and have fun a for a while. I need to a little time to think right now.” James advised.

“Well if that’s the case. I’ll be back. You better be on the dance floor soon.” She said and tapped his shoulder before she jumped away into the crowd.

James smiled for a mere second and grabbed his phone. He flipped it open and looked at her number. Joy’s number. He shouldn’t be the one calling her. She should be the one calling him.

After the grand opening and the music, Joy settled down a bit and started helping out around the restaurant because people were finally dining it. She offered people drinks. She even asked if they needed anything or if she could be any help. Joy was definitely a good hostess. Then she sat back down to her table and chatted with her parents for a while.

It was getting kind of dark outside and she didn’t want the day to end before telling him happy birthday. So she started telling everyone goodbye  and she headed out to go back home. Michael and his band were at a show that was scheduled for that same night so she went home alone.

She climbed into her car and the first thing she did before starting the engine was take out her cell phone and gazed at his number.

James had just finished hanging out with his friends and girlfriend and he headed home. He hardly drank that night. He was too worried that she’d call and he’d be too drunk to mumble a few words. Good thing he didn’t, he wasn’t really into the whole drunk and hangover scene anymore.

As he settled onto his couch he turned on the TV and watched a couple old basketball games. It was long until his phone rang. He picked it up and noticed that her name was flashing on the id.  His heart started to race and he answered it.


“Hey, it’s me.”

“Yeah I know.”

“How was your day?”

“It was okay. How was your’s?”

“It was amazing. I didn’t think it’d be this crowded.” She stated as she sat in the dark in her car.

He smiled, so happy to hear her voice. “I’m not surprised. Everyone loves you.”

She could feel herself blush. “Well thanks. I just wanted to say Happy Birthday, James.”

“Thanks Joy. You know…,” he sat up and turned off the television, “ I’ve been waiting all day to hear you say that.”

“I’m sorry that I didn’t call earlier to greet you. I was too busy.” She stated as she watched people walk out of the restaurant with smiles on their faces.

“I figured. You have a lot going on for you. I’m proud.”

“I’m proud of myself too , but I wouldn’t have gotten here without the fans and my family and friends.”

“Yeah, your family.” James sighed. Joy noticed his tone and grew concerned.

“You sound really sad, James. Did something happen today?”

“No, no. Nothing happened. I’m just a little… tired. It’s been a long night.”

“Well then get some rest. I really hope you have a wonderful birthday and year. I’ll see you at work?” Joy stated in a comforting tone.

“Yeah, I’ll see you at work.” James replied softly.

“Alrighty, well bye James.” Joy stated and she waited for his response but he never answered. He was still on the phone as if he was thinking about something. Joy waited a little longer and then decided to hang up. Before she did, James spoke up.

“Uh Joy, can I ask you something?”


“Why did your opening have to be on my birthday?”

Joy leaned back against her seat and sighed. “I don’t know. I guess I didn’t realize the date of it. We all decided on it.”

“So I wasn’t on your mind when you were planning this?”

“James, what is this? I wasn’t thinking about anything else other than the opening.”

“So you weren’t thinking of me at all?”

“Come on, I don’t like this question.”

“Was it just an excuse for you to not be with me on this day?”

“No, that is definitely not the reason. It was just the right time and date for this event. There was no personal issue behind it at all.”

James was getting heated up by this and he didn’t understand why he was. He couldn’t help how he felt about her. The way she talked and the way she smiled around him. He loved it when she laughed and how they would make jokes with each other. It all doesn’t work well when she’s permanently off the market. If only she wasn’t taken, he would’ve swept her off her feet by now.

“I’m just wondering why? I want you to be here with me, Joy.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t, I wish I was there though.  I really did James. I just wanted to greet you Happy Birthday and all of a sudden you put me on the spot. I don’t deserve that.”

James scratched his head and nodded. “You’re right, you don’t deserve that. I’m sorry. I’m just…” he grunted, “do you have any idea what it’s like for me?”

“What is?”

“Me having feelings for someone I can’t have.”

Joy’s heart felt like it was on a race but she felt completely distraught.

“What are you talking about James?”

“I’m talking about you. I have feelings for you Joy and it doesn’t even matter anymore because you’re with him. I can’t do anything or it will mess up things between you and your husband or me and you. I’ve been keeping this held in for so long and it hurts me every time I see you with him or when you talk about him. It especially hurts me when I see you wearing the ring he gave you. I am so … vulnerable right now.”

“James…” she whispered.

“I can’t fight this anymore. I don’t want to do it anymore.”

“That’s why you have your girlfriend. She can help take away all of this. It’ll be fine.” She stated.

James grew frustrated by her response. “Joy, that’s what I’ve been doing this whole time. I’ve been trying to stop thinking about you by getting into another relationship. It gets harder and harder. It’s not the same. ….Do you even feel anything for me?”

Joy was quiet. She did before. He was handsome and so young, which totally kept her from doing anything about it. But she realized that Michael was young too, almost the same age as James, and all day today she couldn’t stop thinking about him. She wasn’t sure if she should tell him. She couldn’t. She didn’t want to. She had Michael. She didn’t want to lose him.

“I have a husband James. I love him.”

“But do you feel anything for me?” He repeated.

“I have to go, I’ll talk to you later James.” She replied and quickly hung up. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. This wasn’t happening to her. She couldn’t feel anything for him at this time. She’s happily married and she’s thinking about another man. It’s not possible. Joy couldn’t believe she hung up on James either. Everything was fine until now.

James closed his phone and punched a pillow beside him. He was heartbroken and he couldn’t deal with it anymore. He had his chance before and he blew it. It’s too late for anything to happen between them. From now on, he’ll just work as a committed  professional and employee . He’s not going to get his emotions involved in any of their scenes. He’s an actor and it’s his job to act not fall in love.

He didn’t want to make her love him if she didn’t.

What a birthday.

fanfiction: jls

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