Last night the roommate and I wound up stuck on our couch watching Celtic Thunder or public television for two hours. There was some good singing, and some hottie Irish singers. Most enjoyable. We were both reading while watching, so I managed to get some homework done during the not-as-hot or far-too-young singers were performing and I only had to listen.
After the roommate decided that it was time for some yoga, which I've never really done much of. So we dragged the coffee table out of the way, scraped up the half-a-cat of hair that Rikah's been rubbing into the carpet (our vacuum thingy is getting picked up from the store tonight) and proceeded to yoga it up for a while, using boxes of kitty litter as "blocks" to help our non-flexible selves do the poses.
The best? Watching Rascal the cat freak out and keep trying to bother the roommate while she was attempting to fold herself into the poses on the floor. Nothing like a cat trying to surf your back to make yoga a relaxing experience.
Today: mostly boring thus far, with a chance of "meh". Worried about a lot of things, which you will find under the cut.
So, my job is still the one that I had last winter, sadly. I work for a contracting company that contracts with a branch of the Health and Human Services department, and we do the travel, reimbursement, and such for all the consultants that go on the site visits for this division.
Now, my problem is many-fold. One, my job is desperately boring. Like, soul-suckingly boring. And it's not only boring, but we're underpaid for the boring work that we do, when compared to what comparable positions do at other companies. So, I'm bored, and underpaid. Our contract is up for renewal, and I'm not sure that we're going to get the contract again. So I'm stressed that I need to start looking for a new job, because I don't trust my company to keep me on to work on another contract. We're in a different office in the building than the rest of the company at our location. I don't even know who's down there, let alone what it is that they do. And they sure as hell don't know me, so I doubt strongly that they're going to take the time to care about keeping me aboard and on another project if we don't get this contract again.
The other side to this problem, is that my friend's mom is my supervisor. I got this job through said friend, who worked here before me. I took over for a different friend of mine, and a third friend also works here. She's itching to get out the door for a different opportunity, as is the other logistics co-ordinator. We have a four person office, and two of the four are trying to get out as soon as possible and it looks like one will. My boss, I shall call her E, is a sweet, awesome lady. However, she's very much the "mom" type of manager, which is fair in that she's the mom of one of my friends, but not cool in that you can't manage like a mom. She's very much so a micromanager, which I don't like in a boss, and has only been the project director since last fall, when the old one was fired for nefarious actions and defrauding the company out of money. So she never expected to be the supervisor, and still seems unsure of herself in a lot of ways in regards to the managing of employees.
This contract lasts through mid February. We were supposed to get the RFP at the end of August to work up the proposal for the next contract, but we don't have it yet. We have a conference call with the fed person tomorrow, and I'm worried about what she's going to say. And even if we get the contract, I still don't like my job and still would want to look for a new one. And I'm scared about having only six weeks in order to find another job in this economy, especially with my special circumstances.
On to these circumstances: I just started grad school this semester. I'm only taking one class now, but next semester I need to take two. In part so that I don't wind up taking like six years to get my masters (as I have tentative plans that if the Masters of Liberal Arts goes well I'd like to go and do a full-time masters in English with an eye towards a PhD program and would really like to be started on that before I'm 30) and in part because I need to be at six credits to qualify for financial aid, I need to be at two classes. My college is about an hour from where I live and work, but their classes during the semester are in the evenings for the most part.
Here's the rub: some classes are at 4:50, some are at 7:30. If I could get two 7:30 classes, I don't have to worry about leaving work early to get to class. If I can get one of each, it won't be as big a deal, provided I can manage to convince my boss of wherever I'm at that it's okay for me to leave one day a week early. If they're both at 4:50, I'm probably fucked -- unless I'm at this job, where my boss is like "It's school, that's fine, we have flexible hours, you can just come in earlier and make up the time on other days".
So, in order for me to leave this job that I don't like, I have to find another one that's willing to potentially let me leave at 3:00 o'clock twice a week to go to school. And I'm really scared about trying to look for that. So that's a reason to stay. But I hate this job and am really, really bored and not even sure that this job will be here in February.
ARG. I need to have a serious sit-down with myself and figure this all out, but it's cranky and I want to avoid thinking about it as long as possible. But, that will lead to other problems, so I need to deal with it now, I do believe.
Why does everything have to be complicated? Can't I just drive around the country (which I want to do, anyway) in my car and shoot stuff? Can I Mary Sue myself into the backseat of the Impala, please?