Sep 27, 2004 06:32
Been writing papers all night. Good times.
Life is all school, work, and homework, punctuated rarely by fun. This is not to say that I'm not enjoying living at the Cottage, because I am. I probably wouldn't get to see any of my friends otherwise. It's definitely a transition to live with so many boys, and there are the occasional days where the lack of estrogen is overwhelming, but it's all good. There are some of my friends whom I never get to see anymore because of my work scheduel, which sucks, but hopefully things will settle down a bit after this next week of death, where I'm working everyday from here till Sunday, which will suck a LOT. But it'll get rent, and that's the important part.
There was a man at work today with spray painted on hair. I'm not kidding, that's what it looked like. It wasn't real, and it wasn't a toupee like the guy sitting next to him. It looked like he sprayed it on from a can. I was vey concerned by this, as was my friend Dan. We wound up having to go outside and smoke a cigarette just so that Dan could get the laughter out before he convulsed in the aisle next to the guy. It was a definite bright spot from the rest of work, which I'm tired of. I'd like not to be a watiress for a little while. I'm thinking that I might take a little bit of time off as soon as I get some bills payed (and by a little bit I mean a couple of days) just to decompress.
'Tis all one, and, going with the R&J stand-by line "by my heel, I care not."