Holy freakin' crap

Sep 17, 2004 03:02

So, I've never taken anyone off of my buddy list. Not ever. And we all know that I'm like never, ever actually on line. I used to be, when I lived in the dorms. But it was more of a "check people's away messages" kind of on-line than actually talking to anyone, which is what I'm phasing back into doing. So, since I've never taken anyone off my buddy list, my ex-boyfriend is still on there. You know that you've done it too, left them on there, so that you can occasionally check and see what they're up to. That sort of thing. And then you forget about it for like forever. And then you randomly check them one night, and they're profile says "I'm engaged! go me!" And then you freak out a little.

Dude, my ex-boyfriend is getting married. How crazy is that? When did I get to be that old? I'm not an adult, people that I dated (twice, for God's sake) shouldn't be getting married. This isn't a reflection on him, he's a nice guy and deserves a lot of happiness and good things to come his way, but he's only a year older than me! And he's my EX-BOYFRIEND!! My ex's shouldn't be getting married! As horrible as this sounds, they shouldn't get married because I just can't handle the idea of it. I can't even get over my terror of committment to get into a relationship *at all* and the last guy that I seriously was involved with is getting married now.

I wish him the best of luck and all the love and happiness in his life that the world has to offer, and I hope that the woman he's chosen good to him (in ways that I feel that I never was). Best Wishes, Darlin'.

But still, to put it mildly, I'm freaking out a little.
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