Jan 18, 2007 22:47
So we had to push Ash out of the snow tonight. It was really pretty funny. I'm exhausted. Spent the night at her place last night and didn't get enough sleep. I'm goin to bed here shortly. I can't wait for Ty to move here. It will make things so much easier and happier for both of us. I'm in a really saddish mood tonight and for no good reason I've got tears streamin down my face right now. Hmm. It's cuz I miss Ty...and I'm tired. But mostly cuz I miss Ty. He is my everything. I really have no idea what I would do without him. Like I can't actually sit back and try and imagine my life without him...because if I try and do that...all I see is a worthless life. Anyway enough of me being sappy (though I am being honest). Goodnight everyone.
I love you Ty.