Nov 03, 2004 13:51
I put in XIU XIU's "fabulous muscles" to eviscerate the frustration of the election results. The album goes through so much trauma,humility, bitterness,tenderness, silliness, adoration, vulnerability, and spite its hard to go through it all at once. I want to sing "bunny gamer" to some ones. Such a humiliating song. "It sounds retarded, I wanted you to like me."... "I'm not what you like alright! alright alright alright" The most humbling experience in your life isn't always the most humiliating. ..we don't let things humilitate us in a spiritual way anymore. It seems like modern Christianity has turned defeat and error into things you ignore and fight against. When we are humiliated we strike back instead of observe and humble ourselves for guidance and insight into a problem. Humiliation results in bitterness and retaliation not meekness and inquiry. I'm not sure how much it matters what you claim to believe - in god/s or nothing...certain belief and value systems dominate and influence us in our reactions. There isn't alot of value on "learning" from experience in our's win or loose. we want to win. Most of us aren't very pro-active,(im not.) just re-active. Humility can be a pro-active Action. I am sometimes a them.