
May 03, 2005 19:03

Not too much has been that exciting in my life that I want to actually bother writing it down. Anyway, I had better say this now before I forget or just get lost in my writing. Which is very likely that I will. If anyone wants me to send them a postcard from Mexico...LEAVE YOUR NAME OR TELL ME! I'm so darn excited to leave Pittsburgh!

I had a Confirmation dinner with my family at The Village Inn. It was fun. Jeff told the fam that he's starting a new building jus selling Blank products. I'm not quite sure where it is. But, it could be the start of some excellent memories! Can't wait! "GO BLANK!" That reminds me. I need to go back up with with or without the Blank Kr3w. This new group of Girl Skaters out down there. Jeff and Rob are teaching them some new tricks. Plus, a street down is my uncle Tom's guitar shop. I like to visit him too.

If my street was News Weekly this is what would be on the cover...

"THE ROCKINGHAM KR3W IS GETTING A NEW MEMBER" Yes, Marshall Weil. He's moving to Rockingham...you have to "be chosen" to live on this GREAT street! (did I even spell his last name right) Anyway, yeah...a new member, great. Like we need another member. We have like 53253905 kids on our street already. But it's cool. I'm probably not even going to be in or at my house for most of the summer. I mean, after Mex., NY and Florida I'm gonna be so tired!

Over the summer my mom's making me take some college courses on Algebra...because she doesn't think I'm ready enough? I don't know. I'm actually gonna like it...I hope. Being around college kids I mean. Coffee all day...even in class! NOW WE'RE TALKING!


...Now, on to math homework...just what I needed!
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