summer, life and friends.

Aug 16, 2006 15:36

summer, life & friends.

all through out high school i've always basically hated it. i hated the people, the building, the atmosphere, everything. then i met a few great people who have helped me realize the world isn't such a bad place after all. don't ask me how that has to do with my summer, because in some way shape or form, it does. i was never one to have friends and hang out with them so maybe thats why i had such a strong hate for so many things. then i finally found people here who care about me and are my friends and i now know that life isnt as bad as i used to make it seem. i love these people and what they have done for me. this summer i got to hang around mainly with 4 great and amazing people. Peggy, jonny, kevin, juli - you all have made this summer the best it ever could be. thank you guys so much for being well you. They all taught me how to have fun and what friendship really means. Some know me better than the others. They helped me through a tough time at the begining of the summer when tori and i almosted ended our friendship.

And speaking of tori. I swear each year we somehow become more and more closer. I dont think it'll ever stop. We've grown up so much these past 4 years together that this past summer we're really starting to notice it. She'll almost be 18, and its crazy to think we've lasted all this time since we were 13-14 without ever meeting. Everyone i ever meet here, they always have to find out about tori and most people take our story seriously theres some who laugh. But for the most part i appreciate everyone for being so awesome. When i ask you to say "hi to tori" as i'm video taping, or hearing random stories/words we say. Summer was just a great learning experience for me this time around. I'm going to be a senior now and i feel like i cant let this last year of my high school life be a drag. I already feel horrible i let the first 3 happen that way. I just know things are only getting better because i live my life differently than i used to. I still have the same beliefs but i know how to stick to them better. I know who i am now. I used to struggle with that so much. Trying to figure out what the heck i even was in this world. I'm happy with the person i am. And i am just so thankful for all of the amazing friends that i've got. I dont think they realize how much they've helped me and how much they all mean to me. They accepted me for who i was, and those people are the only ones i can truley be myself around. Its a wonderful feeling to have that. And to my best friend, the one i have STILL yet to meet after four years...all i can say is: "we're goldfish. the stupid ones that shold have died after a week but somehow made it." only we will ever truley understand that quote.

AND HOW COULD I FORGET MY AMERICAN DANCE CENTER GIRLS <3 i swear this past year/this summer we have ALL gotten so much closer. i know you will all agree with me to say that there used to be some major "click" issues. but thats besides the point. you all are seriously so amazing. all the experiences we've had in dance or out of dance. you've all just made dancing in general so much more than just that - dancing. we've all grown up together and just have learned from eachother, mentally and physically. i just love you all so much. i truley do. i feel bad i dont show it as much as i really would want to. this is my last year at the dance center and i want it to mean so much and i want to dance like i never have before. i also want to become even greater friends with you all because you all are just so awesome. some of us are so different yet we always find a way to be the greatest of friends and that is so cool. i love it. but just do know that Pana loves each and every one of you to peices. You've made my life something more. And i appreciate that.

summer 06 has now come to an end.
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