(no subject)

May 07, 2005 10:52

hey well im bored and i got this from chelsea so i decided to do it too.

O b v i o u s
1. name: zach
2. single or taken: taken! :)
3. sex: male
4. bday: october 18
5 sign: dunno
6. siblings: 1
8. height: 5`7" i think... im taller than maggie and i dunno how tall she is...
7. hair color: blondish

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who is/are your best friend[s]?: all my friends are my best friends
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes! i have a girlfriend!!

f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: i dont really like shopping
2. any tattoos or piercings: none

s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: no
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: whatevers in the shower...
3. what are you most scared of?: me? ha! im not scared of anything (ok so thats a BIG BIG lie.. i HATE looking out the window at night)
4. what are you listening to right now?: the lawnmower from next door
5. who is the last person that called you?: corina (im on the phone with her right now)
6. Where do you want to get married?: i dunno
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 13
8. what would you change about yourself?: im too white...

f a v o r i t e s
1. color: orange (actually i think its changing.. i like green and blue)
2. food: BAKED POTATOES!!!
3. boys names: jack daniels
4. girls names: hmm i dunno
5. subjects in school: math (even though im bad at it)
6. animals: polar bear, elephant and giraffe
7. sports: to play: soccer to watch: football

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: nope
2. smoked?: yup
3. bungee jumped?: nope
4. made yourself throw up?: nope
5. skinny dipped?: yup
6: ever been in love?: yes but if not im as close as ive ever been right now!
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no
8. pictured your crush naked?: surprisingly i havent
9. actually seen your crush naked?: nope
10. cried when someone died?: ive never had anyone die in my family that i knew
11. lied: yea ill tell you a few of them: brittany i dont have my glasses so i cant see the board. will you copy the notes for me? i cant read the paper to the class im dislexic and theres alot more those just stick out in my mind.
12. fallen for your best friend?: yea i have
13. been rejected?: yea
14. rejected someone?: yea
15. done something you regret?: yea pissing brittany off to where we quit talking to each other..

p r e s e n t
1. clothes: jeans and a shirt (and no im NOT wearing orange)
2. music: none
3. make-up: haha no
4. annoyance: my stepmom (what else is new?)
5. smell: i cant smell im STILL sick
6. favorite artist: if meaning painter and stuff i dunno but music i would have to say oasis
7. desktop picture: some ocean thing
8. cd in player: sublime
9. dvd in player: the incredibles
10. color of toenails: uhhh toenail color?

p e r s o n
1. you touched: i think mallory when i was putting cake on her back
2. you hugged: oh i dont know
3. you i.m.'ed: corina
4. you yelled at: brittany s cuz i needed her attention (it wasnt an angry yell)

a r e | y o u
1. understanding: haha depends
2. open-minded: depends
3. arrogant: i dont think so
4. insecure: not really
5. interesting: nope
6. random: sometimes
7. hungry: yea
8. smart: kinda?
9. moody: not really
10. hard working: nope
11. organized: hahaha no!
12. healthy: no im sick right now
13. shy: not really.. only with one person but i will get over it
14. attractive: hell yas i am! (haha no i think im ugly)
15. difficult: i can be
16. bored easily: yes!
17. messy: kinda
18. responsible: yea
19. obsessed: no
20. angry: nope
21. sad: nope
22. happy: nope
23. hyper: nope (i dont have an emotion. its too early)
24. trusting: of some people
25. talkative: not really but i can be i guess
26. funny: i dont think so

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
1. kill: nobody
2. slap: nobody
3. look like: ME!
4. kiss: brittany!

r a n d o m
1. in the morning i am: tired and pissed!
2. all i need is: to win the lottery
3. love is: difficult but worth it
4. i dream about: i cant remeber a dream that ive had. o wait there was one where i got chopped up into tiny pieces by a chainsaw! that was fun!!

n u m b e r o f
1. times i have had my heart broken: none
2. of hearts i have broken: 0??
3. of continents i have lived in: if cuba isnt part of north america then 1
4. of tight friends: dunno
5. of cds i own: 10 11 12?
6. of scars on my body: alot
7. of things that i regret: 1

F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like filling these out?: nope
2. gold or silver: silver i guess
3. what is your favorite movie?: the fifth element
4. favorite cartoon/anime: none
5. did you have for breakfast this morning?: i havent eaten yet
6. who would you love being locked in a room with?: brittany
7. could you live without your computer?: yea but i wouldnt wanna
8. would you color your hair?: nope
9. could you ever get off the computer?: yea
10. habla espanol?: only as much as wolfson knows (thats not alot)
11. how many people are on your buddy list?: dunno70 80 sumthin
12. drink alcohol?: nope
13. like watching sunrises or sunsets?: sunrises bc when youre up that early theres a damn good reason for it
14. like the rain? yea guess i do

ha well that was fun! it took waaaay to long!!
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