(no subject)

Dec 21, 2004 01:18

hey guys
things are going aiight.
jess is back in town (doesnt seem to care to see me)
i mean its not a big deal, i mean all i did was just spend every day of my life with her for 2 years.
i dont like her or anything, its just sad that she doesnt even seem to want to be my friend, she still sees me like i used to be.
erin found herself a guy...so thats good.
jade and i arent together anymore....so yeah, im going to need some time to recover, but i know for a fact we are defintely still cool. i just hope she understands and everything.
so now here i am, and jeff told me to be ready for this. the thing that makes it hard is there is no comfort. i have nothing to call my own. nothing to take care of and pour my love into. its my choice and everything. but i know its the right way to go. its just going to be so hard overcoming those wants. i really dont want to mess up. i know im going to get desperate to have someone close to me. im just going to have to work really really hard at it.
im tired of those situations
im tired of hurting people
and this is my time im giving back to myself to center and get everything strait.
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