(no subject)

Nov 30, 2004 14:28

Your full name:: Ashley Lynne Gil
Age:: 17
Height:: 5'1
Natural hair color:: Dirty Blonde
Eye color:: Olive Green
Number of siblings:: 2
Glasses/contacts?:: fake glasses
Piercing:: i have 5 right now


Color:: Green and Black
Band:: Slipknot, Incubus, Disturbed and Static X
Song:: Stellar~ Incubus
Stuffed animal:: STITCH!!! i wub him
Video game:: Tomb Raider
TV show:: Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Invader Zim, Futurama
Movie:: lots
Book:: HP series, Anita Blake Series
Food:: Lobster, Steak, Shrimp and mainly asian food
Flower:: white roses
Scent:: Raulph Lauren
Animal:: white tiger
Comic book:: don't have one
Cereal:: Cap'n Crunch
Website:: entertaining ones
Cartoon:: same as TV shows


Play an instrument?:: not ne more
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: i doubt it....don't really have the time
Like to sing?:: to myself
Have a job?:: The Vine
Like to play sports?:: Softball and i use to LOVE playing football
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:: of course the world knows that and they know i love him too
Have a crush on someone?:: haha yea i'm crushing on alex raimer but don't tell him i'm so shy!!!! *hides*
Live somewhere NOT in the Canada?:: USA but alex and i are moving to canada
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?:: at my mumz
Have any special talents/skills?:: no i'm not special
Exercise daily?:: not really
Like school?:: *shrug* it's ok for senior year


Sing the alphabet backwards?:: nope i'm too stupid
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: no
Speak any other languages?:: a little german....i miss it SO0O0O much
Go a day without food?:: oh yea. i don't feel hungry often in which case i don't eat and it doesn't bother me in the least. it bothers my friends more than it bothers me. i kno it's not healthy but i'm not motivated enough to care. *shrug*
Stay up for more than 24 hours?:: haha yea
Roll your tongue?:: a little
Eat a whole pizza?:: i'm sure i could if i tried


Cried to get out of trouble?:: yea and i was amazed i made myself cry on command. haven't been able to do it since. :(
Seen a shooting star?:: i think i dunno
Been to any other countries?:: London
Solved a rubiks cube?:: yea i was really bored
Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: fuck y not it's comfy and i'm lazy
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: i've had other liquids come out my nose. my friends are funny it's hard
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: FUCK YES!!!
Been in love?:: i'm in love
Been close to love?:: mmmmmhm
Been to a casino?:: oui....i would say sticking money into a slot machine and pulling it ONCE is gambling tho. haha i felt rebelious
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: YUCK! no
Made homemade muffins?:: mmmmm yes
Been to Disneyland/ DisneyWorld?:: BOTH!!! YAY!!! *does a happy jig*
More than 5 times?:: disneyworld in florida perhaps 3 times i'm not sure and disneyland in cali once. it was badass
Been to Niagara falls?:: nope


Brushed your teeth:: This morning
Saw a movie in theaters:: ummmmm i forget. most likely with alex
Read a book:: i'm finishing one right now
Had a snow day:: *cries* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I MISS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had a party:: been to one? a few weeks ago....thrown one myself??? god like months ago
Had a slumber party:: haha i dunno probably sometime last year
Tripped in front of someone:: all the time i'm a clutz :(
Went to the grocery store:: probably last week


Fruit/vegetables:: FRUITS!!! but i really like veggies too
Black/white:: Black
Lights on/lights off:: Off
TV/movie:: Movie
Car/truck:: 2004 GTO coupe {car}
Body spray/lotion:: lotion
Cash/check:: Cash
Pillows/blankets:: BLANKIES!!!
Paint/charcoal:: Paint!
Chinese food/Mexican food:: ASIAN!!!!!!!!! {chinese}
Summer/winter:: Winter FO SHO!!! I MISS THE SNOW!!! :(
Snow/rain:: Rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fog/misty:: Fog mmmmm i remember the fog in mass.....haha what great times.
Rock/rap:: ROCK!!!!
Meat/vegetarian:: i like both meat and veggies. >_<
Chocolate/vanilla:: chocolate/white chocolate
Sprinkles/icing:: Icing mmmmmmmmmmm
Cake/pie:: CHEESECAKE!
French toast/French fries:: French Fries
Strawberries/blueberries:: STRAWBERRIES!! MY FAV!! YUMMIE!!
Ocean/swimming pool:: Swimming pool
Cookies/muffins:: Cookies
Wallet/pocket:: pocket
Window/door:: Windows are nice during the day.......doors at night
Pink/purple:: Purple
Cat/dog:: Dog
Long sleeve/short sleeve:: Long sleeve
Pants/shorts:: Pants
Winter break/spring break:: Winter break YAY WINTER!!!
Spring/autumn:: AUTUMN!!! >_<
Clouds/clear sky:: Clouds i like clouds
Moon/mars:: Moon!!!! *bounces*


am:: bouncy after filling this out but still annoyed.....i bottled that up and threw it in the back of my mind for now tho. >_<
need:: Money to pay off all the crap i have to pay for, better grades
crave:: talent and sweets
hate:: people that piss me off
did:: Nothing
feel:: bouncy
miss:: alex *lick*
am tired of:: feeling bad for something i didn't do and i'm tired of people assuming i'm implying something or telling me what i meant when i said something and thatz not what i meant AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm also tired of counceling whiney children that can never be happy and can't talk to me without whining or complaining and cannot have a good time for 2 seconds in their life. i'm also tired of alot of other things.


What is your favorite genre of music?:: w/e i think sounds good
What time is it now?:: 2:53
What day is it?:: Tuesday
When’s the last time you called someone?:: at lunch i called alex YAY
Are you hungry?:: i'm never really hungry
Whatcha doin?:: killing time at the library waiting to pick up my brother from school
Do you like parades?:: yes ESPECIALLY when i'm dressed up and on one of the floats. WOOT!
Do you like the moon?:: HELL YES!!!!
What are you going to do when you're done with this?:: pick up my brother...drop him off at my mumz....come back to town to chill with alex.
If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: the power to do whatever my mind willed to be so. ex) i thought "i must be able to fly now" and i concentrate hard enough and i can fly. good stuff.
Have you ever had a picnic?:: yea i like picnics. >_<
Are you wearing any socks right now?:: yup they're in my shoes


funny?:: sometimes b/c i do stupid stuff
Pretty?:: on occasion
sarcastic?:: haha yea
lazy?:: of course i'm 17
hyper?:: someimes
friendly:: i try to be
smart?:: only a bit
strong?:: not as strong as i'd like to be
talented?: nope
dorky?:: oh yea


Sky dive?:: YES it is on my list of things to do b4 i die
Run away?:: already have LOADS of times. yes i would do it again.
Not take a shower for a week?:: AHHHHHHHHHH NO!
Ask someone out?:: depends. i asked alex out. smartest move i've ever made. i couldn't b happier. >_<
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?:: FUCK YES!!! I'd LIVE in a foreign country if i could
Go scuba diving?:: sure y not
Write a Book:: i'd LOVE to but i'm a terrible writer
Become a Rockstar?:: HELL YEA!! *rocks out*


What shampoo do you use?:: w/e is in the shower
What kind of computer do you have?:: dunno don't care
What grade are you in?:: 12
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: yea if the people i'm throwing it at are assholes
How many posters do you have in your room?:: LOADS! i like covering my wall with things i like/find interesting
How many cds do you have?:: over 100
What time is it now?: 3:00 exactly. HECK YES I RAWK AT TIMING!!
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