Crab Feast of Men

Oct 27, 2005 21:38

What happens now, when the voice you didn't want to hear is gone?
Turn empty pages of a book not written, only promised.
Hidden beneath my pillow, no shape resides for friendly skies and safety nets.
A year ago I was younger, don't try to tell me how that felt.
Now I'm just something the pirates have drug in.
Water logged and problematic, weighty second skin.
What happened to your ship?
Or maybe my harbor shrunk too small.
A different call to arms.
A distant empty shore.
I am plying the lack, with serviceable spirits and aura built.
I am building a fortress made from, all the voices that I lack.
i was Goddess child, information wild, uncontrollable force.
Now I am just another pretty face and body to warm the bed.
What happened to what had been said? Why has all of that fled?
You could borrow the gold and the silver at will.
But I am rotten to core, and strong sickly swell.
What happens now, that kitten has shed fur. Lost her snuggling warmth and kitten smell.
Arch my back for none and lay flat as stone.
Dead thing, washed to shore and left with crab feast of men.
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