☼ Application for letsplayotokoyo

Aug 03, 2010 01:12

Your Name: Ash
Your Journal: twin_heaven
Your Email: lilvtshadowdog@hotmail.com
Another contact: AIM: whitewings1025
Do you currently play anyone at Otokoyo?

Character Name: Lavi
Character Series: D.Gray-Man
Point in the series: Chapter 188
History: History
Character Skills:

→ Lavi has an Innocence nicknamed Ōzuchi Kozuchi albeit the true name's Tettsui.
→→ He uses the keywords man (grow) and shin (extend) to grow and extend to incredible sizes and lengths.
→→ Lavi is also capable of activating the second level for his Innocence which consists of elemental seals.
→ Lavi was trained by Bookman in martial arts.
→ Has incredible memory and skills that only a Bookman knows.

Tell us about yourself:
Me? Well, nothing's special about me 'cept that I am the most awesome Bookman apprentice and Exorcist out there! Actually, I may not be the best Exorcist, but I do admit that I make one hell o' a Bookman apprentice. Now, if only Panda would understand that and stop kicking me in the head.

Maybe it woulda been better if I start with my name. It's Lavi, but it's not my real name. It's actually my 49th alias. Don't tell anyone now, ya hear? I don't need people gettin' on my back if they find out that this isn't my true name. Not that I care, but it's not good if people found out, especially since Gramps will get on my back for it. 'm supposed ta not attract too much attention towards the Bookman clan after all. So, I'm Lavi. Just Lavi. No one else. For now.

However, I realized as I stayed longer at the Order, that I was soon developing feelings for the people who lived there. I've come ta learn ta accept 'em as my "comrades" even when I shouldn't. A Bookman has no need ta have comrades; humans were something we needed ta record, nothing more, nothing less. Call me a heartless bastard if ya want, but it's true. I'm not supposed ta have feelings or else it'll hinder my duty.

But I'll do a pretty damn good job at acting like a cheerful, carefree teenager like my alias is supposed ta be. "Lavi". Just a carefree guy who hits on women and who gives nicknames to nearly everyone in the Order. The person that everyone knows as the carefree "rabbit" who'd do anythin' ta make your life just a little bit lighter, especially in dire situations such as fighting against akuma or a Noah.

What kind of people do you interact with at home?:
I interact with all kinds o' people!

For example, I interact with a grumpy samurai named Yuu (who would most definitely mutilate me if he heard me), a martyr/gentleman/bean sprout named Allen Walker, and a sweet, gentle person named Lenalee who can also be very scary if ya get on her bad side.

I mostly interact with anyone and everyone, being the social person that I am, and it doesn't hurt tryin' ta get information outta 'em either. Heck, I'll even try ta be civil with the Noah too unless they start tryin' ta kill me.

Do you believe in ghosts/spirits/the supernatural?: Yes.

I say yes because, if akuma and evil, big fat people called the Earl exists, then why shouldn't ghosts and vampires too? Gotta prepared for anything that's out there after all. Including supernatural beings.

*ooc; application, [rpg] letsplayotokoyo

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