Title: The Small Moments That Led to Chuck and Blair
Rating: PG/PG-13 (somewhere in the middle)
Words: 1500 +/-
Pairing/Characters: Chuck/Blair, mostly UES but Brooklyn gang's in it too.
Summary: All the moments in Chuck and Blair's life slowly lead up the biggest moment of all.
Disclaimer: GG isn't mine and hasn't ever been mine. Thank you to Dawn for beta-ing as usual.
Chapter 9: Search Party Redux and Surprise!
Age 11 cont, Ballroom Class
The party had to be called off the moment word of Chuck's disappearance spread. Everyone was looking even the little kids who were afraid of him. Granted, they were looking in all the wrong places like under chairs and tables, but they were looking for him. The four of them weren't having much luck either. Anytime they wanted to go outside, an adult was there to stop them. Eventually, Eric managed to slip away with a promise to return.
"I found him!" Eric exclaimed. Just as everyone started to speak, he added. "He was on the roof, but he ran away again. He said he was going to Canada and he's going to live there forever."
"Canada? That's like a million miles from here!" Nate pointed out. "Why does he want to live in Canada anyway? It's too cold up there."
"I don't know. He just said he doesn't want to stay here anymore, he hates everyone, don't follow him, and don't send him any letters. But sending him food and money is fine. Especially if they're 100 dollar bills because he'll need it to build his house and a heated swimming pool in Canada."
Blair rolled her eyes at that. That dumb Chuck Basstard. What was he going to achieve by running away to Canada? What would his father say? Who was going to keep Nate and Serena out of trouble if he left? She couldn't do it all alone. Sure, she could give them a few harsh words but it wouldn't be enough. Who would be mocking The Vulture behind her back and making Eric smile? And what would she do without him?
Wait, why am I thinking about life without him?! I don't like him that much! Do I? No. No, I don't like him. I never liked him. I don't care that and I'm not going to.
"Do you know where he ran to?" she asked.
"I don't know that either. I tried following him but he kept telling me to get lost." Eric's face fell as he thought about Chuck saying that. "What if he gets taken away forever by bad guys?"
"Or abducted!" Nate threw in. "Maybe the aliens are going after him now! Maybe they'll take his brains out and replace them! Or he'll become a pod person! Maybe he'll be..."
"Nate, stop it!" Blair snapped. Kidnapping had not crossed her mind until now. Aliens or not, she did not want to think about him being taken away. "Everyone stop talking about that! He's going to be fine! Am I right?" The exchange of looks she received were not comforting. "You don't really think he'd be hurt, do you?"
She didn't need an answer from because Lily had found them. "There you all are! I thought you had run off to Central Park like Charles!"
Nate looked confused. "Didn't Chuck go to Canada?"
"Actually, we just found him and he's in Central Park."
"Canada has a Central Park?"
"No, Nathaniel. I'm talking about Central Park over here." Lily took a quick look at both of her children. "Thank God he didn't go far. His father has been worried ever since the announcement came and now he's headed over there."
"I wanna go." Blair decided. "Take me too."
"Blair, I don't think that's a good idea..."
"Take me too," she repeated. "He's my friend."
"I wanna come too!" Nate added. "Best friends look after best friends! I think that's what they say. I think. Am I right?"
Lily turned to her daughter and son. They hadn't said anything but the looks on their faces told her everything. It seemed that they both cared about Chuck Bass. In some strange way, they liked him. She couldn't say no. "I guess you can go as well."
"Yay!" Eric exclaimed a little too loudly. Then he got quiet when his mother gave him a look. "Sorry. I just want to find him, that's all."
Lily smiled at him and at the other four. They were growing up fast but their friendship was getting stronger. It was a good thing. If Charles had run away for the reasons Bart Bass mentioned, then he was going to need all of them. She held Eric's hand and motioned the others to follow her.
"So let's go and find him."
~ ~ ~
Present Day
Blair woke up to Chuck's voice and Dorota telling her children to stay quiet. She had been moved from the floor to the couch and was lying against twenty pillows. People were talking around her and she realized that these were the guests from the baby shower. She tried piecing together everything that happened based on what they were saying; Chuck had found her on the ground, called the party off, Dorota and Vanya were having trouble handling their children, the baby was causing problems, and Dan Humphrey was missing. Not that she cared much about the last one.
But Chuck mattered. He was holding her and trying to keep the guests away. Too many people were trying to crowd around her and figure out why she had fallen. His hands were cold but she didn't complain. They were holding onto her. She needed him at this moment. It was the biggest moment of their lives. If the baby was coming, then she wanted him there.
"Blair! Blair, what's happening?" he demanded.
"The baby..." She managed to get out. "It's coming...I think it's..."
"Miss Blair in labor!" Dorota yelled to everyone. "We go to hospital now!"
That resulted in a lot of cheers as well as gasps. Gossip Girl quickly put out a new message, which everyone read:
Spotted: Former Queen B in labor! OMG! What do you guys think she's having? Boy? Girl? Twins? Triplets? Is she the next Octomom? One thing is certain though; it's coming now and I will be there to welcome the newest member of the UES. -XOXO Gossip Girl
"Doesn't she ever sleep?" Blair wanted to know.
"Who cares about her, B? You're in labor!" Serena squealed. "You're going to have the baby now!"
"But it's so soon!" It was true. It was only early August, not the end. The baby was due at the end of the month. Why was it coming out now? Did the doctors go off on the due date? Was the baby impatient? Was this what the complications would entail?
Not that any of those questions mattered. She had to give birth now.
"Okay, everyone out! We've got to get her to the hospital and fast!" Chuck started trying to push everyone out of the house. He then told Dorota to bring Blair's things and for someone to help Blair off the couch. The crowd began moving around, talking over each other, and then running out the door. One by one, people were leaving her. She kept waiting for someone to help her off the couch but they never came. She waited patiently, trying to get a word out. With all the talking and moving, it didn't happen. Finally, the door slammed and they were all gone.
But they had forgotten about her. The whole party had gone to the hospital without taking the expectant mother. Everyone had left her on the couch, trying to keep up with the contractions, and dying of pain. It hurt to get up and reach the phone.
So she was slightly relieved when Dan showed up from wherever he had been.
"I've got to say, those crabs were great," he said, not really paying attention to Blair's hard breathing. "If only my dad could make them like that..."
Blair groaned and he finally noticed her. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?"
If she had the strength to get up and strangle him, she would have done that and thrown him off the Brooklyn Bridge for good measure. How could he be clueless and thinking of crabs at a time like this? Unfortunately, the baby was not letting her move so she needed his help. "Humphrey, have you ever given birth?"
Dan scratched his head. "Well, I can't say I've ever gone through the process of giving birth myself. In fact, that would be hard for me seeing that I'm a guy..."
"I meant do you know how to deliver a baby!" She cut him off. "Because everyone left me! My contractions are way too close to one another! Call Chuck! Call somebody and have them come back!"
"Oh! You're in labor?!"
"What, you think I'm breathing loud and screaming in pain for fun?! I'm having my baby right now! Call them!" Another sharp pain shot through her body and she screamed. "Oh no! It's coming! It's coming and you have to help me!"
"Wait, what?! It can't come now! Can't you tell it to stop coming and stay in for a few more hours?"
"No! It's too late! And you're my only hope of getting it out." She shuddered, thinking of what she had put the child through. Yet she had no choice. She said the words she had been dreading.
"Dan Humphrey, I need you to deliver my baby."
~ ~ ~
A/N: I'm sorry that I've become slow with my chapters for everything. In addition to dealing with a family tragedy, I've started working again and trying to get the deceased's things in order. Also, the hiatus drained out a lot of my writing ability too. Thank you all for still tagging along with this. I will try to get through the other fics soon; hopefully after the hiatus, updates will be more frequent than this.