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Aug 23, 2007 02:09

vanessa has charged me with naming my top ten songs that begin with "d".
this is pretty hard. and is really taking a lot of thought, and pouring through countless songs on cd's, albums, and itunes. blargh.
anyways, here's the list. it's pretty rough, and i'm sure it could change at any given time, depending on moods, etc. i'll try to explain why i'm putting them all on here. sometimes the lyrics just speak for themselves.

a daisy through concrete - eels: the basic idea is that a daisy through concrete is something symbolizing beauty coming from a rough start or what have you. whether that be a relationship, a career, or even an entire life. plus, the song in and of itself is just so simple and pretty. always puts a smile on my face.

daughters of the soho riots - the national: the national have been a favourite band for about a year now. i have to thank jess for re-introducing them to me (at first i didn't like them all that much, but then she made me listen to a few songs and i got it). the music is amazingly laid back. the lyrics are just superb, as are most of their songs. and the way matt berninger sings his lines, in this resigned, depressed, mournful way, really makes it one of "those" songs. " You were right about the end//It didn't make a difference//Everything I can remember//I remember wrong"

death of a salesman - low: this is probably the most un-low-like song ever. but i think that's what makes me like it so much. it's just a straight ahead guy with an acoustic guitar song. a great little song about friends telling you not to chase your dreams, and what would or wouldn't happen if you took their advice. in the end, it doesn't matter to mr alan sparhawk, as long as he has the love of his dear wife, he's happy. you should look up the video on youtube. it's great and odd.

disarm - the smashing pumpkins: of course i put this on here. even if i don't listen to them all that much anymore, i LOVE this song when i first heard it. the simple acoustic guitar. the chimes. the strings. a wonderful song about loss (or lack) of a childhood that's worth remembering.

disintegration - the cure: mmm. the way this song is sung is just so fucking great. definitely my favourite cure song. of all time. it's fucking sad, too. this song has failed relationship written all over it. yeah. this about sums it up:

Now that I know that I'm breaking to pieces
I'll pull out my heart
And I'll feed it to anyone
Crying for sympathy
Crocodiles cry for the love of the crowd
And the three cheers from everyone
Dropping through sky
Through the glass of the roof
Through the roof of your mouth
Through the mouth of your eye
Through the eye of the needle
It's easier for me to get closer to heaven
Than ever feel whole again

do you feel the same? - silverchair: i debated putting this song on here, for fear of people making fun of me. but fuck it. this is an excellent song. probably one of the best that these guys ever wrote. someone (a lover?) not understanding you. touches on being depressed ("stay alert 'cause i'm obsessed, surely i can't be depressed") and the lines " Try to detach, try to decrease//To make it easier on me//Despise myself for what you've done//Sent me back into my world" are pretty great, especially for someone who was pretty young at the time. also contains one of my favourite guitar solos of all time. and i HATE guitar solos.

do you realize?? - the flaming lips: do i really need to say why? really? it's just so fucking beautiful. and as happy as this song is, every single time i hear it i find myself choking back tears. i wish i could explain why. this song makes me think of someone very special to me. and i think i want it played at my funeral. " Do you realize that happiness makes you cry?"

don't panic - coldplay: blah blah blah. everyone hates coldplay. but this song is great. so fuck you. it opened up 'garden state' wonderfully, and has probably been used in countless other movies and tv shows. " oh all that i know//there's nothing here to run from//cause here, everybody here's got somebody to lean on"

dynamite walls - hayden: pretty sure this song is about driving out of toronto, going up north. it's such a great "canadian" song. the music is very mellow, until that nice great swell near the end. "open your eyes, put it in drive//get on the road, and just go". i wish i could do that, sometimes.

dry the rain - the beta band: aaaaaah. i know it's been overused. high fidelity, and all that. " If there's something inside that you wanna say//Say it out loud it'll be okay//I will be your light". the shift in the music halfway through, the words themselves. i can't really explain it, i just think it's really special.

there are a lot of other songs that could have been put on here. and probably would take up spots on here if and when my mood changes. but this is it, for now.
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