I found the others

May 18, 2007 07:35

This morning I went to check on Peaches and Frodo, to make sure they weren't making a porno or something (Peaches has been in heat for a few days now), and found them sitting in the window looking fixedly at something outside. I thought it might be Mama Cat and her new kitten, and I was partially right. It seems Mama Cat has brought the rest of the litter to our house now. A grand total of four little cuties! :) Apparently they prefer playing around the tomato cages that are waiting on the porch to be placed in the garden. And Mama Cat is watching over them so far, and hopefully continues. One of the little ones seems to like myfanwy_65's flowers a bit too. Sorry for the quality of this last one, all were taken through a window screen at strange angles, and while most turned out OK, several didn't. :(

Back to what you were doing. No more cuteness here (for a while at least). :)
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