Blanc Leoprid (Avery Solana) tropes list

Dec 27, 2010 17:07

-Poster is not responsible for anyone who may lose hours or days browsing TV Tropes.-

Becoming the Mask: "You can be whoever you want and if you're good enough, people will believe you. Anything is possible and it feels so good. To be loved, adored, wanted, needed. But then you go home at night and sit in your apartment and remember despite what everyone else sees, you're still a cold, sad, pathetic loser of a man."

Berserk Button: Don't touch his sister. Or anyone else he cares about. Or touch his motorcycle. And don't ever insult his mother.

Blood On These Hands

Bounty Hunter

Chaotic Good

Con Man

Dark And Troubled Past: Responsible for the death of his family and mentally screwing up his sister, works a hired gun, and keeps on the run because he has nowhere else to go. Yeep.

Deadpan Snarker

Dressed to Kill: It's very rare for him to not be in a suit or a button-down shirt.

Faking the Dead: Did this in order to stay alive and in hopes his sister would find a better life without him. It doesn't work.

Ho Yay: After lots of teasing from Lucian and plenty of mixed messages, Blanc eventually gets together with Lucian.

Heterosexual Life Partners: Tyler

Odd Friendship: With Lucian, Charon, and even Evan.

Omniglot: English, American Sign Language, Spanish, Italian, French, and German.

Only Sane Man: Relatively speaking.

Papa Wolf: God help anyone who dares hurt a child in front around him.

Tall Dark and Handsome

The Chick: Though the more positive aspects.

The Infiltration: Blanc becomes one of Braddock's trusted associates.

Theme Naming: Blanc Leoprid can be translated to white rabbit.

You Killed My Family
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