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Nov 07, 2005 15:24

Since one person actually asked me to update, I guess I will, haha. Plus I want to talk to someone, so I’ll talk to the computer, haha.

School...well I don’t know exactly how I’m doing in most classes, except in Psych. I studied for our latest exam a ton, and I did worse than any of our other tests. The thing is, I know the stuff, and I can explain it to people and everything. I just suck at the tests I guess. I am hoping I will be able to pull off a C in the class which sucks. I talk to other people and they are pissed that they get 94%, so I guess its all in the perspective. I am probably getting A/B’s in every other class, at least I hope. For cello we were told to give ourselves our own midterm grade. I hate it when teachers do that! Even if you think you deserve an A, you don’t give it to yourself because you don’t know what the teacher is thinking, and you don't want to look full of yourself! However, I do think I deserve an A, but I don’t know what I will put down! I have been having really good lessons, with the exception of last week, but you are bound to have some bad ones now and then. Luckily he cancelled all of our lessons for the week and cello studio class! Yippee! I am playing in cello studio next week and piano studio this week. I am super nervous. I am playing my piano piece from memory, which I suck at doing and I haven’t played this piece for anyone before, and I kinda need to. Yikes! That’s on Friday, so I still have a few days.

Cello Day was yesterday. Let me tell ya, it is the most disorganized event. I try, but I never have fun. My cello prof. just has no organization. And guess what? Next year, since I will be the oldest in the section, I have to help organize it. That will be a blast. (sensing my sarcasm?) The highlight was a cellist from Lawrence who was super hot. He was there for the competition, and I just stared at him. I didn’t know hot male cello players even existed! I saw Carina (my old cello teacher, music director from Colorado) She said she had heard “through the grapevine” (wtf?! there is a grapevine that includes me?!) that I didn’t get into the school of music ed and she was really surprised. But she said she was even more surprised that I am still trying. We talked for a bit and she told me that if she was me, she would switch her major. She said she can’t see a future in this for me. WHAT THE FUCK! Her opinion means a ton to me, she is my idol and she doesn’t believe in me. It’s one thing for my friends/parents to not believe in me because they don’t necessarily know and/or think I work hard. But she has seen what I do, and she is one person who knows the passion I have for my music and she doesn’t think I should be doing it? I tried to let this just fly over me, because really the only opinion that should matter is my own, but unfortunately other people’s opinions mean a ton to me. I was talking to her right before I left, and right then I was supposed to go work out with Chad, but I knew I wouldn’t be good company, and he had already been acting mad for some reason so I didn’t go. So I did laundry, only to break the washing machine! But guess what, I fixed it. It had blown a fuse or something, so it was fixable. However my lamp and vacuum and nalgene are still broken, geesh. But shit happens I suppose.

We found a place to live for next year, at least I think so, I don’t really know what is going on at the moment. haha. It is a little farther from campus, but a lot nicer than what we have right now. It will be me, Ashley, Chad, and Melissa. We will each have our own room and we can have a dog! One of my favorite parts is that it has two porches, haha. It is a little more expensive, but that is fine with me, and hopefully will be with everyone else. I hope we actually do get the place, should be fun.

This past weekend I did homework, practiced, went and saw Saw II (super good-go see it!) and went and watched Steve at his drag show. All of which was fun. Steve makes a wonderful woman, much better body than many women, including myself obviously, haha. I was upset cause Chad and Ashley were dancing, and I stupidly felt left out, and I was talking to Ed, and he was saying stuff making it worse (not that he meant to, I’m just stupid). My two best friends are becoming best friends with each other and I am just a jealous bitch. I guess I just get upset when they want to be together more, have more jokes, and do stuff together that I used to do with each of them. I haven’t gotten to spend any time with either one of them alone, well Ashley a little, and maybe that is how it will be now. I just miss talking to either one of them. Ashley and I have yet to have a noodle night (I think we can change that this weekend maybe), and Chad never hugs me anymore. The good side is we have a ton of fun together when I’m not being stupid. I’m just being a bitch and I need to be more secure with myself, but duh, that’s obvious.

Work is good. The nights that I work until 12:30 tend to be long, especially when calls go over. But in general it's a great job. I wish I could work there year round. I work 3 days this week, which is the perfect amount for me!
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