Oct 18, 2005 16:13
I haven't updated in forever. Who know what all has gone on, but here goes.
Classes are going alright. I am doing good in all of them (i think) except for psych. That class is hard! I really like the material and I understand it, and least I always think I do before a test. Then a test comes and I suck. I am getting a 79% right now so hopefully I can pull that up to a B by the end of the semester. I spent quite a while in the library last night and got stuff done which was great! Last week I wrote this piece for percussion class and I am just gonna say that I really love it. I don't want to sound conceded though. I had a lot of fun working on it. I love writing. The project was to either arrange or compose something for percussion ensemble. I was the only one in the class who wrote their own thing. Hopefully this won't turn out as a mistake! I am just going to keep reminding myself that I really am happy with what I wrote and if other people don't like it, then fine. I'm proud of what I did and thats that! I have been having really good lessons lately, both piano and cello, so thats awesome! I talked to one of my professors out the music ed interview and basically he just said I need to have more confidence. Well duh. I could have told myself that. But I guess I have to work at that, or at least acting like I am confident in myself. He said he really supports me in whatever I choose to do. I also didn't cry in the meeting, which is a definent plus! haha.
I finally finished training for work and I now have this week off and my official first day is Sunday! CRAZY! I'm kinda nervous though.
This past weekend was super fun. Saturday afternoon I worked the table at the diving meet which was actually super fun! Saturday night Ashley, Chad and I partied it up. I had a ton of fun. It was the first real party we have gone to all year. It was really fun, only so much dancing can be done in our living room. We also got some great pictures! This coming weekend we are going to six flags for fright fest. I am excited for that! The next weekend is halloween, which is promised to be a blast. Even though I really don't have anything to be, but I suppose that is ok. I can just slutify...maybe. Sadly, Ashley won't be here which sucks. Although Chad and I will still of course have tons of fun.
So apparently I can get creepy guys and lesbians. Yes you heard me, I think a lesbian wants me. She is a friend from work and I was so happy that we were becoming friends, cause I really wanted a friend at work, and I love making new friends. Things starting getting weird a little while back, she was giving me weird signals/looks and making odd comments. But I thought I was being overly paranoid. She came over the other day and chad asked me if she was a lesbian. I was slightly shocked he thought so because I had thought so as well. Anyways, she keeps calling me, the last message was something like "I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner or a movie with me sometime soon" and it was just awkward the way she said it. Anyways, I don't mind being friends with her, as long as she knows its nothing more. It is just awkward for me right now. Geesh. And a creepy guy at the party wanted me and was following me around apparently. How come no normal male wants me? Actually, I know the answer. I don't put myself out there enough, and I am on the ugly side. I don't wanna be down on myself, but I am positive that is what it is. I guess I just need to meet more people so they can really get to know ME for ME. It sucks cause I feel like even some of my friends judge me for never being with someone. Its not like I wanna be alone, far from it! I don't really know what to do. I wanna have a crush dammit!
Ok, well I hope this week is as great as the last few!