Jul 13, 2004 22:03
So I noticed that most of my journal entries are very negative, and I think I know why. When I am upset, or whatever, it helps me to just get it all down somewhere, which I think makes sense. Maybe I shouldn't do it in such a public area, because it makes me look like a comletely negative person, which I really am usually not. So thats that!
I started my other job today. I basically paint signs for this lady's business. She designs and creates signs for bussinesses and stuff. They are all really cool, and its fun to be painting. It is really, extremely good pay, and a cool place to work! YAY! So now I have two jobs, which is awesome, because I definetly need the money if I am still going to go to school!!
I don't think you can "replace" certain friends, because everyone has their own special element that they can bring to a friendship. However, I think people can feel like they are being replaced, when the friend makes new friends, that are fresh and exciting. Like when you were younger and you got a new toy. The toy was really awesome and fun when you first got it, but eventually you retreat back to your old toy. However, for a few moments the old toy mistakenly got very jealous, and felt unloved. (I feel like Dr. Phil or something with this analogy...HA!) That happens with people I think too, and you just gotta trust that in the end, you will be the friend that they want and really need. It is hard to do, but you have to do it, because your friend will probably not realize that he/she is hurting you at all. Thats all I have to say, and I am going to take my own advice right now!