Jun 20, 2004 12:57
Thursday night was really super fun, I went to Claddagh Irish Pub (where Lucas works) with Ashley and we had great, yummy desserts. Then we just hung out and talked. Then, this guy (probably in his late 40s, early 50s) came up and asked us if he and his friend could buy us drinks, it was really akward, we said we couldn't cause we had to drive home. He was asking us where we lived and shit. Then, they both just sat at the bar staring at us. Then his friend came over near our table and just stood there for a bit, and then went to the bathroom. It was so freaky. They were probably married, and even had kids, which is sick. They ended up leaving while we were in the "bathroom", and then we just waited for lucas to be done working. Then we went to Ashley's and hung out and had fun. It was crazy. Then Lucas came and slept at my house. He was really sick though cause he "ate too many cheetos", so we didn't sleep much.
On Thursday night, around midnight lindsey brueggen called me, and wanted me to pick her up on my way to Green Bay for Steve Schmidts b-day. Her house is at least an hour out of the way, and she has always been bitchy to me, so this was a really odd request. I actually couldn't believe she was asking me because supposedly she hates me, she thinks I am stealing steve manthey from her! HA! Anyways, it was at this point that I realized it was dumb for me to even go. It is a 6 hour drive there and back, and I had to work early the next morning, and I would feel uncomfortable around Lindsey, and I figured steve s. wouldn't really notice if I was there or not. Plus, my parents really didn't want me to go, and I just found out that day that my car is having major problems, and needs something in the engine replaced. So, I probably pissed off both steves by not going. Also, Steve m. never called me until 7:00 on Friday night about a ride, I had been trying to get ahold of him for the past 2 days, but he was gone, phone was busy, or his mom didn't give him the message. So I didn't even know if we were still going. Anyways, the point of this is, I didn't go, I am a bitch, but hopefully they don't hate me. I don't know.
I worked yesterday and it was actually a lot of fun. I made a lot of big sales, and it was just enjoyable. I love the little old ladies! Just as I was leaving for my break, Lucas showed up which was AWESOME timing, then we got to eat lunch!! YAY!
Jealousy is a terrible thing, that usually cannot be helped. It is something that is ruining a few relationships I have with people, one imparticular, and you know who you are, and I know you read this. There is obviously no reason to be jealous, especially of me, because you are the most important person in his life, I am sure. If anything I should be jealous of you, but I am not because I see how happy you make him, and that makes me happy for the both of you. I will always be second next to you, in his eyes, and you know that, so don't worry. I just wish that you still liked me as a friend, but I don't really know, which is sad, because I think you are awesome. I wish I could hang out with both of you when you are around! Ok, ok, enough of that...