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Feb 13, 2009 00:00

✘ OOC Information

Player's Name/Nickname: Nana
Age: 16
Journal: demonicangel67 
AIM or Email: vnanachan (AIM) vides.nana@gmial.com

✘ Character Information

Name: Ulquiorra Schiffer

Series/Fandom: Bleach

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Apathetic

Student or Faculty Member/Professor: Student - Sophomore I

Major: Theoretical Chemistry

Minor: Japanese Culture

Residence: Dormitories

Occupation: He works at the Public Library

Ulquiorra is almost always seen with a melancholic look on his face. His facial expression rarely changes, and he is near-constantly frowning. He has short, messy black hair, very pale skin, and green eyes. Ulquiorra's hair is always left messy as he doesn't care much for appearances; he merely rakes his fingers through his hair in the morning. Cyan tattooed lines descend from his eyes, making it appear as if he is crying. He also appears to be the youngest member of the Espada, (the gang he used to be in) next to Szayel, Grimmjow, and Neliel. He is the fourth-ranked Espada, signified by the tattoo on the left side of his chest.

Standing at five feet and ten inches, Ulquiorra is quite short compared to people in the gang he used to be a part of. He is never seen smiling and almost always has his hands in his pockets. Because of his lean muscles, he appears to be quite thin and feeble, but is actually extremely strong and is well built (as well built as one can be when one is that thin).

Ulquiorra is a very cold, aloof, brooding, and callous figure. He's also rather dispassionate, rarely showing any sign of emotion, appears depressed, and is rather indifferent, willing to harm both his comrades and enemies should they ever disrupt his plans. He tends to call anyone he does not find interesting "trash" and therefore expendable. Despite this, he is not particularly violent, only actually fighting when provoked or ordered to by Aizen, his ex-boss.He reasons that if his eye cannot see them, then they are not real. These words, and much of Ulquiorra's overall behavior, can safely lead one to assume that he is a firm believer in the concept of materialism.

Ulquiorra is perceptive, cunning, and analytical. He is almost always correct in any of his assumptions, as his assumptions have been correct 99% of the time. Despite this, whenever his predictions are correct, he never shows any sort of relief or happiness. He doesn't even smirk. Usually, he can correctly assume ones' personality based solely on few observations. Whenever something happens that Ulquiorra finds unexpected, he becomes curious, therefore interested in his subject.

It would appear that Ulquiorra and Grimmjow, the 6th Espada, are not on good terms. Their ideals and beliefs are polar opposites, and they can never seem to come to any sort of agreement. Because of this Grimmjow and Ulquiorra have created a bit of a rivalry, though Ulquiorra feels that is more one-sided on Grimmjow's part, and yet, can not help himself but feel the need to respond to Grimmjow's declarations of rivalry. Though Ulquiorra is of a higher rank than Grimmjow, Grimmjow is confident that Ulquiorra is afraid to fight him for fear of them destroying one another. Ulquiorra, of course, denies any of this being true in the slightest.

Ulquiorra seems to be demanding as well, while he prefers not to dirty his hands, Ulquiorra is fully capable of committing truly abhorring and inhumane actions. He is also quite pessimistic saying that optimists are merely dreamers and don't see the reality and cruelty of life. He sees optimists as foolish people and considers them "trash."

Ulquiorra Schiffer was born to his parents Claudia and Nikolaus Schiffer on the first day of the new year, January 1st, in Kassel, Germany. As a small child he seemed completely attached to his mother, hardly ever letting go, but always silent. When he came of age, he was put in a boarding school. His parent's would constantly travel, and they felt he was too young to move around too much, not to mention too troublesome to enroll him into a different school every time.

His parents, being as rich and powerful as they are (his father a politician, and his mother an actress), made sure that he would get his own room at school, no sharing, no roommate. Because of this he was isolated and refused to associate himself with others, unless it was called for. Because he was naturally silent, he didn't make much of an attempt at a social life. He was always incredibly intelligent and showed a copious amount of promise, particularly in the different sciences and in different languages. The English language was particularly easy for him to learn.

When he managed to graduate to the sixth grade, his parents felt he was mature, and old, enough to travel along with them. He began his sixth grade year in Bordeaux, France and spent three years in the country, every year in a different city and school. He learned quite a lot of the language and can now speak it fluently, many said he takes after his mother, who speaks a variety of languages, though, his father is trilingual.

He began his ninth grade year in Okinawa, Japan, where he met a boy by the name of Grimmjow Jeagerjaques. This boy was a year older, yet in the same grade. He seemed to be "quite the idiot." Ulquiorra was often patronized by the boy, despite his own superior intellect, not to mention, his grander fighting skills. A year passed by and Ulquiorra once again moved. Not that it impacted him at all. They only thing he would actually admit that he missed was the culture. He took enough of a liking to the culture and language of the Japanese people that he studied it even after he moved.

The last three years of high school were spent in the United States. He already knew enough English, seeing as it was a required language to learn at every school he had ever been enrolled in, so he didn't have a hard time at all. Tenth grade was spent in Dallas, Texas, a large metropolitan city, with quite the diverse population. There were so many people there that spoke the Spanish language, he ended up picking up quite a bit of it. It was so similar to French, so he didn't have a hard time with it at all.

His sixth, and final, move was to Boston, Massachusetts. The high school was large and had a great number of students enrolled. Being the intelligent being he is, he was allowed to take advanced classes. In one of these classes, Ulquiorra had the pleasure to meet Sousuke Aizen, a senior. The man was a genius, incredibly strong, popular, and immensely powerful. He had a group of followers, which he later found out was the gang "Espada." These Espadas were numbered one through ten, one being the most powerful, ten being the weakest. It wasn't long before Aizen asked him to join the Espadas, and of course, Ulquiorra, complied. He had respect for his senior, and he soon realized he would help Aizen the best he could, though he never showed any emotional attachment to this. He was given the rank four, and although he was pleased, he didn't show it.

It was soon after he received the tattoo branding him with number four, along with the "tear" tattoos, that he realized that idiotic, egotistical moron, Grimmjow, also attended the high school, and was also a part of the Espadas, ranked number six. If it were in his nature to, he would've smirked at Grimmjow's rank, but he didn't. He merely continued to ignore the boy, only acknowledging him when it was necessary or convenient. Which, inevitably, leads us to the present.

!ooc, introduction

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