I made August my bitch.

Oct 06, 2008 23:58

Just a little update of what's been going on. August was quite a busy month for me.  Spent a day and a half in Baltimore for Otakon, a week in North Carolina at a beach house, and finally a couple days in Atlanta for Dragon*con with added bonus of seeing one of my best friends who lives in the area.

Otakon was pretty much a last minute adventure. Marisa and Dan Cole were kind enough to offer myself and Dan Avidan a ride, as well as a place to stay in their hotel room for a night.

I had planned out taking NJ transit to Penn to meet Dan to take Amtrak to Philly. I took the last possible NJ train to catch the Amtrak train with 30min of time to get to it. Unfortunately NJ transit was 25min late. Dan was already on the Amtrak train and i was running to the train only to find out i couldn't purchase a ticket on the train and the lady working there told me i had to run back up and get a ticket. Once i was back up the steps i quickly looked at my watch and i had 3min to get a ticket and in my rush i bought the wrong ticket but i got on the train anyways. Eventually the same lady came by and asked if i got a ticket and then noticing that i have the wrong one. She told me i had to get off at the next station in Newark, but luckily before that happened she gave me a number to call to purchase the right ticket.

After a strenuous morning we arrived in Philly on time. Had a bite to eat at Five Guys and met Marisa's two sisters. The sisters were a delight to meet and full of snarky and sarcastic comments, just like their big sister. :P After that it was off to Baltimore.

The four of us only planned on spending a night at the hotel and then heading back the next day. With such little time to spend in Baltimore i just made sure i got to see Tarisa and Dave since i hadn't seen them for months. Always good to see those two and i'm totally ecstatic that they got engaged recently.

The best story of the trip was the four of us were really hungry and decided to go to Hooters but there was a huge line. Dan Avidan says let me check how long is the wait. He returns and says they'll seat us now, which was pretty awesome to skip the long line. Obviously he used his charms on the hostess.

I don't have any pictures but here are three pictures that Marisa took.


I just placed myself in a DAN Sammich because i was jealous of Marisa's dan sammich as i slept on the floor in the hotel room.

Beach con was amazing and i want to thank the people who worked hard in organizing it and most importantly to Krys who thought i was cool enough to invite. Also like to thank all the amazing people who cooked as everything was pretty damn delicious. A lazy week for me to just hang out with friends and many more new friends while getting some sun and a little boozing.

I'm just gonna list some quick highlights of the week.
  Big ass Dunes! It was more entertaining than i thought it would be and the immediate ice cream intake afterwards.
  Finally ate at a Sonics after years of taunting commercials in Jersey where there really aren't one and if there is i think it's located in south Jersey. And yes it was delicious.
  Ditched watching Clone Wars to watch Tropic Thunder. Hilarious movie.
  Hanging with Kev and Jeff in the hot tub talking and drinking beers.
  Talking all night with Jack and Kev while shooting pool. Sorry to Dave for keeping him up.
  There's probably some more things i'm forgetting but i'm old and senile, but i did not enjoying losing my Ray-Ban sunglasses to the evil Ocean!!

Now for some pictures that amuse me...all taken by other people.


Strike a pose!                                                                                    Big ass fucking Dunes!


That's my hand taking the picture.                                                Fuck you Ocean!!! Give me back my Ray-Bans!


The hat looks better on Callie.                                                       I got quite the tan there.


I almost forgot Bear Hat appeared on my head.                       A picture from my cell and basically represented our nights.

My very first Dragon*Con and it was pretty awesome. It felt very short since the majority of my time was spent with hanging out with Adam who lives in the area. He took us to great placed to eat at night and drink. We even met a girl he's been seeing and she is very cool because she was able to hang out with us geeks, plus she paid for our thai dinner. Anyone who buys me food is Awesome to me.

With Thursday , Friday and most of Saturday was spent with Adam and going to panels, i didn't have much time to hang out with Obers. So sometime Saturday night i made sure i got to go and meet up with them as i was leaving Sunday morning. I do love me the OB crew as they are always ready to drink and party. I had met up with them sometime around 11pm after i was done drinking and shooting pool with Adam. We proceeded to party hop from George Takei's gay marriage celebration, brief stay at the BSG party, an OB room party till security shut us down, and then finally just went to Pulse where you can bump into a few of the celebrity guests.

At one point i think i was surrounded by a few of the BSG actors whom all basically had a woman draped over their arm as they were talking, which was kinda surreal while i was talking to Zack's friend...i believe his name was Trevor. Jerry Doyle from Babylon 5 was a pretty cool dude as we chatted with him briefly at the bar.

Eventually people got sleepy and just a couple of us were hanging around making mischief and heckling most passerbys. I finally went to bed after 5am and got up around 10am to leave for lunch and then the airport.

Here's the only two crappy pictures i found of myself.


I was watching over Billy a little bit as he was pretty wasted and laying on the floor. I just stood around there so no one came tripping over him.
I'm now taking a break from cons till Katsucon.

beachcon, dragon*con, otakon

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