i lovers the 4th

Jul 05, 2005 09:26

yeah, watching office space in a pool on a day off from work is not really the best way to psyche yourself up to come into work the nexy day, particularly when the building managers continue their experiment of turning off the HVAC system and leaving the building as the blazing bowels of memo-ridden inferno. you walk in, put the lunch away, turn on the monitor, plop down in the chair and take stock of the grand vistas that are the "greige" walls of the cube and realize that someone is going to die today and it better not be you. the only thing making today tolerable is that the company meeting is tomorrow and not today.

i love how office space and fight club came out in the same year and are essentially different perspectives on the same situation. they each allow me to deal with the situation in terms of how i am feeling at the moment. yesterday was an office space take. today is slowly slipping into fight club rage. i might have to beat someone up at dale's show and that person might have to be rob (hopefully rob will not read this and be caught off-guard)

if this country is so great, why don't we take off an entire week to celebrate its Becoming? what is this one and done shit? not that i care anymore anyway. it's funny how so much is affected just by the colors we chose for a flag some 200 years ago. how many companies and organizations choose red, white and blue as their colors? methinks a lot. the blue on our flag is supposed to be, in some sense, a shade better than the blue of the sky. the stars outshine the existence of the constellations (then again, those pesky things can hardly be thought of as eternal since stars are constantly expiring after a few billion years or so). it's amazing how skewed our sense of perspective is ("ours" not necessarily defined as "just Americans"). we can easily imagine our particular nation as some great eternal spirit of the existence of man, even though we are everything less than an insignificant blip on the scale of of that actual eternity (and even on the scale of man for that matter). history, for us, has to be something more than now but still rooted in "us". now i guess we all do this on a personal level to some extent (time is substance), but on the national scale it becomes so bloated that it makes me want to chunk at every whiff of patriotism. what's it going to be like when the reality of our decline begins to manifest itself? i see tattered and faded flags being used for whatever they can be--blankets, clothes, bags (in short, mostly everything but patriotic zeal). then only eternity will be able to remember how something so great became so easily forgotten. but cheer up there are still movies to be watched from the pool.

And I love america, but boy can she be cruel
And I know how tall she is
Without her platform shoes

Oh super-girl, you’ll be my super-model
Although at times it might seem awkward
Don’t run away, oh don’t you recognize me
I’m not the only heart you’ve conquered

And I kissed america, when she was fleecing me
She knows I understand that she needs to be free
And I miss america and sometimes she does too
And sometimes I think of her
When she is fucking you

from David Byrne's "Miss America"

david byrne, work, united states, holiday, movies, nationalism

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