Hey! Do you know why I haven't had any weather related complaints lately? Cause the weather hasn't sucked. It's been at most 80° and there is a cool breeze. I hate to brag, but it is outright lovely. I have heard the NW has been brutal. :/ I am betting that with the next storm (Thursday) we are going to be getting more and more humidity.
I got a singer sewing machine. The cheap walmart one. At first I was really bummed out about it because that is the way I am.. haha. I didn't open the box for like three days. idk, I just know that we can't really afford it(ie; i can think of more fruitful ways to spend 100$)-but now I am trying to enjoy and utilize it. Jonas has been begging me to let him sew himself a brown sweater. lol. I made him a scarf out of an old t-shirt. :D Trinity is learning a lot with it & of course Jonas wants to learn, but isn't giving me the attention I need to fully explain/remember things. Trinity is retaining things, so yay. We just gotta get thinner thread now.
One of our fishies is swimming in circles and looks pale. :( I really hope it survives. Their names are Me-me & You-you.