Aug 03, 2005 21:24
so heres wats going on monday i get my article 15 read to me and i got off lucky considering they were gonna give me 14 day restriction to brigade area 14 day extra duty reduction to E-1 and forfeiture of 7 days pay which is about 300 dollars but they only stuck me with the 14 day resrtiction and suspended the other punishments for 90 days so basically for another 12 days i cant leave the brigade area or anyhtign liek that and then for 90 days i can thave any fuckups which shouldnt be too hard cuz i havent had any until someone "forced" me to go up there lol jk so neways i just got back from the field and it was osom we got to play opfor and everything and train in liek a real iraq environment so yah
love you