HD Erised, Fantastic Beasts and La La Land

Jan 02, 2017 19:50

I did crack and sign up as a pinch hitter, which was actually loads of fun. But of course, given I had zero time, that's meant I have read only the fic I wrote and the fic I beta-ed. What else should I have read? Recs? Tips? I'm mostly up to date on the art, I think.

I'd offer a prize for anyone who guesses the fic I wrote, but given my current life, you'd get it in about 2032. Unless you want cheers and points. Cheers and points I can deliver!

In the midst of all the chaos, I have taken time out to go and see two films: Fantastic Beasts was in its last weeks and I wanted to catch it at the cinema. I'm glad I did! It was so beautiful! Lots of oddnesses that other people have gone into better than me already (and please, link me to your posts on it if you were one of those people as I skipped almost all spoilery bits and would now love to read them!), but the world inside Newt's suitcase just spoke so much of his love for these creatures and his commitment to them, and that warmed my heart. And Creedence's love for his adoptive sister (and hers for him) was also a lovely thing.

I also saw La La Land. If you haven't, do. I get the whole Ryan Gosling love now. And the music is glorious! If anyone wants to talk about it, wave your hands!
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