Busiest week in months, up to my eyeballs in work, visitors arriving Saturday morning just as the city goes into lockdown (Why oh Why did I not organise to be in Wellington this weekend?), so what am I doing? I'm reccing fics.
(And writing 3000 words for the fic that no-one but GB reads, not that I'm bitter, and writing tips for writing ... what the
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Comments 23
My flist is entitled "journals I read." Basically, I add people if I want to read their LJ and I usually leave a comment explaining why. Often, I add authors whose fics I like. Most people friend back, but if they don't, I keep them on my flist if their journals are worth reading. I recently added mistful who I am sure will never add me back, but I don't want to miss her posts. Also, there are some people who wait to add people back until they feel like they've gotten to know them- I've had the experience of being added back a year later. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't really get into the friending/defriending drama- I just friend the journals I want to read, and friend back most of those who friend me.
As far as your story- I'd be happy to take a look at it. I'm no canon expert, but I'll let you know if anything inconsistent jumps out at me. Hopefully I will have a chance tonight before things get too hectic with the move this weekend.
That's actually an excellent way of thinking about an Flist. I have another lj indentity that came about a while ago when my RL friends all started having ljs. I live far away from many of them, so it was an easy way to read and leave notes. But the difference is that I know each and every one of them.
Your very sane approach is a completely elegant solution to what was indeed a bit of a drama in my head. See! I would SO chat with you if we were ever stuck on a train. I'd probably open the conversation with: "Do you own a cat?"
I friended mistful, too. Mostly because she reminds me very much of my peer group 20 years ago. I fear she was in nursery at that time.
Off to embrace fandom a little more closely ... thanks again, you're like my fairy godmother of fandom. Let me know if you ever need Tim Tams or Berocca!
On a related note: Is there anywhere in fandom that is teaching the craft of writing? I ask because a lot of what I've read lately (from people not on my flist, which is wholly talented) has been so nearly good, but not. If any of those writers had had access to a good editor, or even a good guide to writing, I think they could have made nearly good into really good. As an editor, it breaks my heart to see so much imaginative passion poured out into the equivalent of takeway coffee cups, when it really deserves crystal and fine bone china.
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