"Up here in the city, things are closing in..."

May 20, 2007 23:57

"... the sunset's just my lightbulb burnin' out..."

The aspect of a supervisor position is through, I'm miserable at work, and I'm slacking off entirely too much.
Lauren is moving to Keystone until September, then leaves for Pensecola.
My brother is going to end up in jail within the next few months.
I'm worried that the incident on my birthday has completely ruined my friendship with Matt.
I can never find a moment of peace at home, my family just can't seem to coexist, and we could be kicked out of our place sooner than expected.
Geogia's on my mind.

I really wish I could experience emotions in a normal, level way.
These high highs and low lows really aren't working out for me.
I understand that happiness and sadness and good times and bad times fluctuate very often, but honestly, 
If I didn't have this way of feeling things to such an extreme degree, 
I don't think it'd be such a problem
And I could probably take bad news easier.

"...I miss Kentucky, 
And I miss my family.
The strongest winds blow across the south."
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