"The most beautiful sight... Sunrise on the west coast..."

Jun 02, 2005 02:52

x  A scary horrible monster lives below my bathroom sink.

x  Ashley Cato does not gamble
And no, you cannot make her.
She does, however, chug alcohol at a surprisingly rapid pace at the slightest encouragement.

x  Amber, dearest
I'll be attending a concert in Ft.Lauderdale on July 6.
And I'm sure I could take time out to visit you
If you play your cards right.

x  I saw the very first June Bug tonight. It made me think of a potato chip, because they crunch like a ruffled chip when you put all your body weight on them in one swift, violent motion. After imposing my wrath, I realized that I wanted some potato chips, so I went into the apartment to check out the cabinet. There were no chips, so I had to settle for pop tarts.

x  Brandi's graduation gift has been sitting on my desk for the past two weeks. I really ought to make a call, and get it to her.
That, or confiscate it for myself. I'm not above stealing.

x  a dull crayon: Stephanie!!! I miss you, please crawl out of your hiding spot and say hi
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