Lonely Ufckin Day

May 08, 2004 20:50

Hey everyone, what up? nothin here at all, really bored i basically did nothing all day except 1 game at like 8 that we lost, then i got home, showered, and it seems like none of my friends want me to do something i want to do, it really sucks how i havta act sometimes to not get other people mad.. but whatever, soon im jus gonna do whatever the ufck i want and no ones gonna stop me cuz im fed up wit havin people limit me on what im "aloud" to do around them... but anyways yesterday jimmy, jake, susan and me went to the band jam thing.. not bad but i had to walk off by myself and hit the wall like 10 times, my knuckles are cut up, but whatever, if u wanna know y jus talk to me bout it, yeah.. anyways we found out today that AZN aka Kevin made the all star team yeeaaahh kid haha u deserve it.. we gonn miss u durin the summer u my boy blue!!! hhaaha but yeah i hope tomorro will be more fun cuz today has suckd ass u know, blaahhh i get lonely soo ufkcin fast if u didnt know, i wouldnt leave myself with.. um.. myself hahaha i get so sad and sick to my stomach, and cant do anything but hey imma go much love **** ;)  haha peace

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