Nov 28, 2010 00:19
I am probably the worst livejournal friend you've ever had. I am so bad at updating. I always feel like I have so many things to say but then I have nothing to say when I get here. So I'm just going to ramble about the current going ons in my life.
My birthday recently passed. For the first time in a while I had a great day. People got me awesome things which I know isn't what birthdays are about but it shows me that people really care about me and can take five minutes out of their day and think about something I would like to have. I got cards with amazing heartfelt messages and I feel like my heart grew with others love. This all sounds so lame-o but whatev. I'm a sentimental bitch.
Al and I are still amazing. He is absolutely the love of my life and thinking about how lucky I am is still unreal to me. What he wrote in my card made me cry. Even when I read it the next day for a second time. His roommate was out of town for thanksgiving and it was like we had our own little house with our puppy and it felt amazing. I can't wait for when we live together. <3
School has been going pretty good. I'm doing really good in all my classes. I think I have all a's. I'm hoping I can keep them. I'd love to have a 4.0 semester. It would be great motivation.
I've been really homesick lately. I miss oregon and my family so bad it hurts. I cried on thanksgiving because I was so sad that I wasn't able to see everyone. I'm terrified that the last time I saw my grandpa is the last time I'll see him alive. I was sick and couldn't hug him. It broke my heart and still does. I hate that I have nephews I've never met. I don't want to be a stranger to them. I want to be a significant part of their life. I want to move back. But I know that if I do I'll just miss albuquerque and all the amazing friends I have here. I would hate not being able to see them whenever I wanted/needed. It's a fucking lose/lose. The rest of my life will be like this. I will always wish I could be in two places at once.
Yeah. That pretty much sums up my life. I've become a late-twenties bore and I don't hate it.
I wrote this all from my phone so I'm sorry for typos and misspellings.