where we used to meet out in the woods...

May 13, 2008 16:23

after 4 trips to the storage unit and quite a few hours spent unpacking (stocking kitchen shelves, washing laundry, sorting bed room things) emily and i were completely settled into the apartment by yesterday evening. amazing. my room is the biggest, and it bums me out a little bit that i probably won't be capitalizing on that space, but oh well. it's on the second floor, and in the front of our place, and since our drive is on a little bit of a hill, i have this clear shot view of the mountains that border west virginia. BEAUTIFUL. once we have all our utilities sorted out, we should be set.

i thought i was going to sleep on an air mattress all summer, but shit. i can't do it. i woke up this morning with a crick in my back like a grandma. i need a real mattress asap. i've been scouring craigslist for one all day.

it feels so good to be moved in. i have a place to shower- which was so necessary.
i walked over to seth's to hang out last night, and it was like i was a real person for once- not some college kid, not an RA not an HD. just a normal 23 year old. we watched the number 23 and had fun with my mac book's built in camera. not like THAT, but rather really ridiculous videos and pictures. of course. it's great to have him so close again- so when emily and her boyfriend trent need the privacy, i can give it to them without making myself feel awkward.

this is rambling, isn't it?

my best friends finished with college today!!
congrats darlings, i am so proud of you.

the best thing about today was getting an email from miles. he's out in denver right now working an internship, and it sounds like it has been pure mayhem since he's gotten there. the kid lost his cell phone, his credit card expired, the dude he was slated to live with ended up being an absolute basket and he is unimpressed with his job. it's silly how i miss him the most of my cohort kids. i felt like he was one of the 3 or 4 people i ever felt like i could be 100% genuine with.
blah blah, we'll be working together in august. i'll deal.

alie's home tomorrow!
i need to call comcast.
i need a boy to share my big room (and air mattress) with.
preferably one with a truck who can help me lug a real mattress back to my place. ha.

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