Apr 14, 2008 16:10
I'm in the process of getting myself a radio gig at WXJM here in Harrisonburg. I guess they have a really hard time getting slots filled during the year for shows. So! I'm going to try and train during May-mester and then in the fall I'll be able to have myself an hour or two slot every week. How glorious.
My show ideas include:
-"the shakedown", an hour of great indie dance jams (killer)
-"clam chowdah", an hour or so of New England based musicians (this one's my fave)
-"shorty got low", an hour of low-fi goodness and acoustic dreaminess
Also this summer in working for student org services, Jill- the woman who will be my supervisor- is planning on having me spearhead this fun project where we get bands to play on the commons once or twice a week during May-mester. So I get to attempt to make contact with local bands and get them to agree to play, I get to make fliers and advertise and hopefully create some successful shows out there in the sunshine.
I have a good feeling about both of these things- they're allowing me to stay in touch with my most favorite thing (music) while still doing the whole student affairs thing. hell yes.