Apr 18, 2007 18:12
...oh, wait. Mine can.
The most amazing thing happened this morning, that proved just how THIN the walls of apartment buildings can be. I heard a man outside YAWN. Seriously! It sounded like perhaps Heating was in the bathroom, but he wasn't, he'd already left, and the direction the yawn came from wasn't right for it to have been our next door neighbor.... It came from outside!
...okay, so the bathroom window was open, but, still. People should NOT yawn that loudly. It's weird. Lol.
So, I'm doing a sort of..."trial run" for NaNoWriMo. Dumb of me, ne? I started it yesterday, and I'll end it in 29 days. We'll see how many words I have then, huh? I only have just over 1,500 now. I hope to have at least 4,000 before I go to sleep tonight, but we'll see..........
Happy birthday, Natalie! (If you're reading, that is...if not, someone tell her happy b-day for me...)
You know what I've discovered? I write best when I have something really familiar playing in the background, like an anime I'm intimately familiar with. Like Fullmetal. Seriously. If I put in one of my Loveless DVDs, or something, or pull up Fullmetal on Youtube, and then minimize it and type while listening to the Japanese and background music, and sound effects, etc., I write more consistantly. The creative juices flow better with anime on in the background. It's weird. I'm fairly certain it's not a fluke, too. I probably got so used to multi-tasking -- Saturday night line-up with a notebook on my knee, or sitting at the computer desk -- that it became a part of my Writing Mindset.
...I suppose that shows just how truly and pathetically dependant on anime I've become...*sweatdrop* Lol.
I've decided that my favourite musical ever is Jekyll and Hyde. I'm not even sure why...! Just....it is... Of course, I love CATS, too, but... *shrugs* There just something about the music in Jekyll and Hyde that makes me want to purrr. ^..~ That was not a pun. That was not a pun. That was not a pun... *says that until she believes herself*
OMG. MILK CHOCOLATE. Real milk chocolate. (It's mostly cheap stuff over here, but this....this is real...! Now I sound like the skeleton in The Last Unicorn... "Real wine..." *mad giggle*)
*shifty eyes* Right. Pretend I didn't just go off on the chocolate tangent, will you? Thanks...
I'm not going to end up finishing the practice NaNoWriMo thing, I don't think... Mainly because I've little motivation to. *le sigh* It's not that I lack inspiration, 'cause I don't. I also don't think the plot's up to 50K words. I think it's supposed to be shorter than that....... *shrugs* We'll see. Then there's the fact that I'm still working on Casting Shadows, which is what should be taking up all of my attention.
...maybe that's why the NaNoWriMo is so tempting...... *procrastinating*
Ooo! Guess what! I had waffles for dinner! REAL WAFFLES!! The first I've had since I've been here! *gleeful* They had chocolate sauce criss-crossing on them, and powdered sugar. And there was a pile of whipped cream with strawberries next to them! I got to eat just whipped cream...! lol.
Yes, I am pathetic, why do you ask?
Well, it's late, so I'm going to sleep. Maybe. Insomnia. It seems like whenever I get a good night's sleep, I can't sleep the next night. *le sigh* And for once Heating's NOT on the computer, too....... *mourns* I'll try to sleep in a while, definitely.