Today i went to see Farenheit 9/11 with B-mo. I Strongly recommend everyone go see it. You've probably heard that this movie portraits Bush as a horrible president and a bad US leader. Also may have thought or heard that they have twisted stuff around to make this movie workout with what they want to protray it as. I agree that they may have
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Unemployment rates have fallen across all levels of education, races, and ages over the past year.
* For people without a college degree, the unemployment rate is down by 0.7 percentage point.
* For both African-Americans and Latinos, the unemployment rate is down by 1.5 percentage points.
* For teenagers, the unemployment rate is down by 2.2 percentage points.
In case you think I'm talking out of my ass, I'm getting this all from and
Now, onto Michael Moore's Propaganda 9/11. Here's a link entitled "Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 9/11," ( which shows the important stuff that Moore omitted to make it seem like he's an all-knowing genius and everything in the administration now sucks ass.
But, as I said in my latest lj entry, I definitely will never say G.W. is the greatest president (but calling him the worst is stretching it), nor would I say he's a smart guy. But saying he stole the election since Gore had the popular vote is misguided because the Electoral College has been used since the drafting of the Constitution, and in the end that's all that counts.
Oh and no one here knows me...I'm just sort of a random person trying to inform the misinformed.
The same idiot said on March 13th, 2002 "I don't know where he is. I have no idea & I really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
Eh, one more...
Bush has ordered the selective service system to fill all their draft board positions. He also added $28 million to the selective service systems budget to "prepare for a draft by June 15th, 2005".
Even while he does this, he denies he is planning a draft. WHY? Simple, to reinstate the draft during a first term would be political suicide, but in his second term he won't need to worry about the next election. With only 44% of troops in Iraq saying re-enlist, Bush NEEDS a draft to continue with his pre-emptive war doctrine.
College students arent safe because they're in college anymore. Since the last draft they have removed the college defernment. Instead of a 4-year defernment they only allow semester long defernments now.
How to avoid the draft? DONT VOTE FOR BUSH!
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