Jan 28, 2004 19:39
yeah so for the past two days i told myself i would get a haircut. not a huge one or anything only about half " to one inch off. Which would be down about to my eyebrows as opposed to below my nostrils :-). My mom gave me this coupon for a free haircut to "supercuts" she got from wherever she did, and i couldnt find it yesterday so i didnt go then. And when i wanted to go today(without the coupon because i STILL couldnt find it) my dad, being the anal little bitch that he is, told me not to go anywhere until i found that coupon. I never really looked for it today cause i was just like 'whatever i'll pay for it' but my dad's retarted (that's right, retarTed; w/ a 't' thats how retarded he is) so he didnt let me go. Well my mom found the coupon when she got home at like 7:30 and "supercuts" closed @ 8:00pm so i didnt go today either. UGH! this blows, i want to get it cut already cause i honestly think its not gonna grow anymore cause it's like...dead. Hahaha today i was freaking everyone out by pulling my hair off my head. Not like from the root or anything, but I can like BREAK OFF my hair...its pretty trippy. Anyways i got nothing to else to say cause im just boring like that. later guys