(no subject)

Jun 06, 2005 15:51

while, i'm going to miss nearly all of you, and while i am truly grateful for encountering a hand full of you, this is no longer an asset in my life and causes more harm than good in most instances. in all reality, when some of you whom i am closest to think about it...there's at times more drama on here then you've ever actually dealt with "in real life". i've deleted everyone except people i need contact with to maintain communities, and my favorite communities.

HOWEVER! i will be updating every few months publicly. i will also be checking the entires of those people who leave me as a friend when i come to update at these times. i hope most of you do not take this personally in any way. and if you wish, you may leave me friended. as i said, its up to you, and i will be publicly updating sparsely, as well as commenting to those who leave me friended, so feel free.

it's been great for the last 4 years almost (come agust). i was going to delete it permanently for good (as my dearest jasmine and the lovely holly noted)...but i couldnt. too much history, and too much feeling. so, in the future i may add more people, go friends only, update every day, and open up shop again. until then, this is all.

i will still be on myspace. i love it there. "real life" friends and my loved LJ chums. its my form of communication, as well as email. so add me on there if you want. i update it often, and check it at LEAST once a week. the link is listed in my info. also, i shall be on AIM every now and again. i've recently made a new SN. it is zenikki28. so feel free to add me. my e-mail address is xricepaperprincessx@yahoo.com, or you can just mail me at blaklily@livejournal.com whatever.

i trust no one gets really lame about this, and that everyone understands. thanks for everything.
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