Completely random, but I was checking out the edits page at and I noticed in one chapter, Naruto is flipping the bird (probably at nobody in particular... or everyone -__-) This place is chapter 45, page 16. I didn't remember seeing that in my manga book (I have them all in english that have been released) and... it wasn't there! I was a little pissed. I understand cutting scenes out like that for TV anime, but don't kill the manga, too. Turns out he does this alot, so whenever I see him holding out a fist (not one pumping the air) I'll just asume he's flipping someone off. I hate that they just don't wrap up the book and put mild mature content on it like they do for Airgear and a few others. That, or have an unrated verson for us who want to keep it as original as possible. They did that for Gravitation and decendants of darkness (even though they were some pretty filthy scenes >3)
I'm glad that they have unedited versions of Naruto... but I wish they'd let them be a little more... unedited with the language. I get a little pissed, like with Tayuya just calling him a fatty (even in the uncut) -__- come on we all know she's calling him a lard ass fat fucker. They could tone the F word down but my most favorite isn't there! (shit! lol) I think they said it once in the uncut. T~T I was a little happy when Shikamaru called the sound four "those bastards" =^_^= And Naruto has been saying damn it and hell alot, but I know they can put a little more in there... at least for me! lol, jk about that. But the manga is so watered down here it bums me out.
Kishi sensei put it there for a reason! DX
I've thought about drawing them in with a pencil