All i got to say is damn!In the tunnel but i do see the light.

Sep 20, 2006 14:28

damn i havent wrote in this bitch in forever but iam bored so here is just a taste of what my life has been up too!

well this has to be the wrost yet best year of but life!I thought 19 would be a great year fuck i was way wrong..But it wasent all bad either i did learn alot..And grew up...Lets just say i moved alot ,i know now what it feels like to be homeless,lost an old friend almost like my brother and gain new ones who are like my new family now.Know who my ture friends and who isent..cryed more then laugh,learn that no one is ever poor,learning now not to care so much for people and think about me frist ,smoke alot of weed and relize if i dident smoke alot of people would be dead now lol! But in all i guess eveything dose happen for a reason but iam about to turn 20 and lets just hope this year will be better then the last....

one last thing i like to add...a little quote from yours turly..

I rather did something wrong than not do it at all becasue you live threw it and you learn from it and grew as a person that you are today.
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